Monday, January 08, 2007

Yo! Adrian..........

How old is too old to play certain roles? Today, I'm finally going to see Rocky Balboa. I know, it's been out a while, but i'm always busy. I'm a real movie buff, but I always have a hard time expressing my reviews. I need to revamp my vocabulary. I've met a few people in my day who can type out a mean movie review. My sister wants to go see Dream Girls and that Writers movie........I can't remember. oh. Freedom Writers. I just can't seem to get into those two movies. I want to be entertained. I want horror, action, comedy. I've seen too many movies where a teacher, woman, etc..... inspires a group of youth, I'm sure it's a wonderful movie, but I just can't sit through that at this time. I'm falling asleep already. Can Sylvester Stallone pull off another Rocky movie? we'll see. Have a great Monday--it's cloudy as hell here.

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