Thursday, August 31, 2006

Check out the hot chick!

Occasionally, I do come across something funny.

This is a funny clip. Talk about busted......... lol
hope you like it!Spring Break Players

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Is Ernesto coming to YOU?

yes, it's tropical storm Ernesto........who comes up with these names? It's due to hit me approximately Saturday. I love it because it gives the newspeople something to do. I do pray no one is injured or killed though. But I hope New Orleans is battening down their hatches--Hurricane season is underway. Is Ernesto hitting YOU?

Doppler Radar, Satellite, Weather Maps

Want to rob a bank?

Just get about 8 prescriptions for various illnesses, and go to town.

No, not's just what i read. Isn't everyone on medication these days? and shouldn't we be? <>

Baseball- Reardon Not Guilty of Robbery Due to Insanity - AOL Sports

So this guy Reardon is clearly mentally incompetent, or doing a very good acting job. He's not playing baseball anymore, so what's a middle aged man to do? Mr. Reardon? go buy a motorcyle and start traveling the open road like most middle aged men. And if you rob a bank, at least try and get away with it. Embarrassing!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Go ahead--have that big wedding!

Here's an article about Lavish weddings on the rise. I've always commented on how some women want to get married just for the wedding. yes , it's a beautiful day, but only a small part of the marriage. If you'd like to this link. No Ordinary Brides: Every Girl Deserves a Cinderella Wedding What would you rather have....a small wedding and a marriage that lasts--or a huge lavish wedding, divorced in 5 years. I think I'd rather stay married-esp with kids involved. Have a great day.

Are you a Male Lesbian?

On the Tyra banks show, which my Tivo recorded for me........Tyra was talking to women who said they were gay men trapped in a woman's body. I learned something..........A male lesbian is a straight man who is attracted to women who are butch.... masculine women. Wow. You do learn something new every day.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Before THIS wedding, eat first

I'll be blogging about this wedding for a few posts, but yesterday I attended my cousin's wedding. It took place in Frederick County in the sticks. A nice countryclub setting....very pretty. 1st thing that went wrong was my cousin's mother told me to make sure I was on time. The wedding was to start at 7:30. I was there at 7:16. 7:30 came and went. No bride. The groom appeared at around 7:45. Then, slowly things got started. So I was to bust my ass driving 1 hr. and 45 minutes to do what???? The bottom line about this wedding was very nice, but I should have eaten before I went. My sons and I were starving........very little appetizers and when our food came, it looked like Ethiopian rations. Now, I know, be greatful you were invited--I am........but someone should have warned me to eat before I came. Several guests at my table looked at one another and said, " Are YOU still hungry?" and how is your day going?

Friday, August 18, 2006

Are you Pregnant?

First of all, sorry for the absence. No one is reading anyway. ! I have so much to blog about, but I'll start with this one tid-bit. Do you need to know if you are pregnant or not so bad you do it at Giant? I was recently forced to go into one of the ladies room ( of course) stalls, and I noticed a box of EPT pregnancy test and the wrapper in the container for tampons/pads. I was thinking........doesn't the woman need to wait until she gets home. Then, it dawned on me......she probably didn't pay for it....just snuck it into the bathroom. honey--newsflash. If you can't afford a pregnancy test-you won't be able to afford a child . Everyone have a wonderful weekend. I'll have plenty to blog about since I am attending a very lavish wedding of my 4th cousin.....can you believe it? I have relatives that old. My mother was the baby of 10! But that was years ago................... blog ya later.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Worst personal ad ever

okay. 1st--this man from Silver spring has a very catchy intro-- Free Beer! he'll get a lot of lushes responding to that. He posts a picture where you can see a blond woman cut out of the picture. Big mistake. He's a little heavy--but guess what he says on his profile? ABOUT ME: chicks dig me. yes. that's why he's 37, single,never married, and posting his profile on yahoo personals........nice going beer man. he says it's because of his sex panther cologne. He says he has the body of a buddha. nice. then, he goes on to tell you your horoscope, and that you will be finding a lost item on yahoo personals, and buying a beer for a sagittarius. The man likes to drink. Not a good sign. he should have posted his profile on AA instead of yahoo. About his match. he wants a woman who can appreciate a man who knows how to pretend to be a gentleman. This guy has the class of a bum right off the street. by the looks of his profile, you'd have to doubt he's a post graduate. He says he likes to make stuff, eat stuff, drink stuff, ride stuff, read stuff. My guess is he likes to read the comics. If nothing else, he was entertaining. it's a surprise he's single.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Looking for love

I have a friend whom we'll call Kay. Kay is 36 and single. She had done the dating thing/never worked out. Kay recently joined I believe it's inexpensive, but poor Kay seems to find men who are either too busy, or flawed. Her latest man is out of state, lives about 2 1/2 hours away, and has a busy job. He'll tell her he'll call her, then won't. He'll say he'll email, then won't. I told Kay to play a little hard to get. He'll email her at 4:05, the minute Kay gets in her door, she'll check the email and reply. I told Kay-- you need to have a life, don't wait for this man to email or call. If he's interested, he will. I just can't believe the bullshit these assholes put in their profile. For tonight's post, ( yes, i'm going to post again), I'm going to look through the yahoo personals and find the most ridiculous post. Beware ladies! These men are lying on their profiles. I don't think Prince Charming is on he's working right now, getting ready to leave the office, go home and relax, then go out later with friends. Please be careful on Match. You may start a fire, or just encounter a lot of smoke. clever, eh?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

What ever happened to Taylor Behl?

The trial is coming up for Ben Frawley, a perverted 39 yr old artist/college student who was responsible for Taylor Behl's death. Mr. Frawley has stated he did not kill Taylor, but she died accidentally during sexual intercourse. Ben must be joking! I've had sex hundred's of times in my life, and there really isn't any way you can die or cut off someone's air supply unless you are trying. What a creep that guy is. Virginia lawmakers, judges need to send that man/child away for a long time so he can't hurt any other innocent teens. Why is a man his age=== dating 17 year olds? First of all, what the hell do they have in common? I've seen men who like much younger women and it disgusts me. This young woman had the rest of her life ahead of her until she was mixed up with Mr. Frawley. The sad thing is........a lot of young girls look up to these older men, and trust them. I hope wherever Taylor is...she is at peace. What a disgrace this was. Have a great day everyone!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Girl time w/ Miss Oprah

First of all, let me make it clear I don't care if Oprah is gay or not. The only person affected is Stedman. And where is he, by the way? In a magazine I was reading, there was a pic of Oprah ( slimmed down) and Gayle King, her gal pal. Hmmmmm. I suppose Oprah likes her girl time. But what I'm wondering Stedman getting any?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The " bored" Mom

Okay. I want to express my opinion on the " bored" British mom. What an outrage! Does she realize how many women want kids and can never have them? Why in the hell did this horrible woman have kids in the first place? I have 3 sons. They are 22, 15, and 7. The only reason her son would go on television to defend her is because he felt sorry for all the negative comments people were making towards her. She deserves them. What kind of mother says she'd rather go shopping than take her child to a birthday party? My advice to her is to perhaps leave the child rearing to her husband. Shame on her. I am exactly her age, and have been a mother much longer. What a spoiled woman she must be! Here's the link for the article. She should win Mommy of the Year! ........Not. AOL News - 'Bored' Mom Sparks Outrage that one statement she made about being a workaholic so she wouldn't have to spend time with them ! When my children were babies--I loved it. Even the crying, keeping you up all night.....that was a special time. Children have their different stages of have to appreciate them all. My seven year old is a handful, but he's curious and still learning so much. My 22 year old is a young man, but still needs my advice. And the 15 yr old is a typical teenager. nothing makes me prouder than to see my son emerge from his room, run down the hallway, grab a bottle of febreeze and spray it all over his shirt. He says, " I grabbed this dirty shirt, and I dont want to smell" A mother has to laugh, but when i read this article it made me angry. Why is she even bothering to care for them at all? Have a great day!

Mel Gibson: Angry drunk?

Mr. Gibson, who apparently can't handle his liquor, is a bad example for his younger fans. Older fans will just shake their head. Should the jewish ppl forgive him? hmmmmm. Well, I'm not jewish, but I wouldn't watch any more of his movies. He's a sad man, and to think this man has about 9 children and is probably a grandfather. Smart move going into rehab......but don't think everyone will forget. Especially not " sugartits" for the story click on this link.

Shame on you Mel, acting like an immature 18 yr old.
Movie News- gibson-enters-ongoing-program-after - AOL News