Thursday, May 11, 2006

Star Jones: woman of mystery

There's a rumor going around that Star Jones will be leaving the view. Is it because the obnoxious Rosie O'Donnell is joining the cast in September? Her fued with Joy, which I missed btw. Enquiry minds wanna know. I want to know......... How did she lose all that weight? ( i dont care, but i think i know she had gastric bypass because of that full round face of hers) Is her husband gay? Hmmmmmmmm. We'll let her keep denying it. Hey--maybe he's metrosexual ( cough, cough) She didn't want to be alone--so she married a man. leave the poor woman alone. You know what a scare she had after her breast surgery. Well, I wish Star well. Good luck with her marriage, and most of all....keeping her weight off. Even though you have gastric by-pass ( which may or may not be true), you can still gain weight. Look at Roseanne. I do believe she had either a stomach stapling or gastric by pass. Same with Carnie Wilson. Do YOU watch the view?