Friday, May 05, 2006

Getting your rations ready.

There's talk of another attack of 9/11 proportion looming. At First, after 9/11.....I was very concerned. I still am. But not to the point i'm going to let it effect my life. Message to Govt. PAY ATTENTION. There were warning signs before, and there will be again. I say shut down the borders. No one else gets in. How many more countries could they possibly visit besides the U.S.? It makes me sick to think of all the foreigners who came over the the U.S. and learned to fly planes from Americans, or whoever taught them over here. Let me work at customs, most would be turned away. Let me work security at the airports. These people who get searched shouldn't feel violated. It's our right to search you. If you have nothing on you, no weapons, you should not be concerned. I say--watch everyone closely. I read the various reports on what was uncovered and ignored before 9/11 and I was shocked. Our borders, in my opinion, are not as secure as they should be. Perhaps if we had naked women parading around at the airports in the U.S., the middle easterners would turn back around. If you are a family, that's fine. I just object to anyone coming here to do any type of harm. We're too nice of a country. I think we should insert tags under the skin where we can keep track of all the visitors who come to our country. It's just a thought.

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