Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Skin Cancer--here we come!

How was your Memorial Day weekend? Mine was o.k. I spent the majority of it watching baseball games. We had a tournament in my city. These were high school aged kids. I got a lot of sunburn. I feel like I'm baked. My lips were burned, my legs were burned. Yes--I forgot the lotion. My hair is a shade lighter it seems. It was so uncomfortable to sleep last night with my lobster legs. I do like this color a lot better than pasty white. My husband's baseball team has their first game tonight. I'll let you know how they do. Question is: who am I blogging to? Do YOU like baseball? because i love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm weird about baseball. I'm pretty indifferent to it--oh, I follow some of the teams casually--but when I go to a game I really get into it.

I really should go to more games.