Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Looking for love on

I spoke to a friend of mine, who I had to change her name to protect her identity in several stories. Anyway, it seems she's posted both her pic and profile on She's a pretty blonde, late thirties. She told me that she responded to approximately 20 men's ads ( good looking men). She got 0 responses. Then she posted her pic/profile and got about 10 responses from average looking to unattractive men. I told her......let me read your profile. She was silent. She's a very attractive woman, maybe it's what she said on her profile. how's this? Pretty blond, late 30's looking for charming, good looking man for dinner and possibly dessert. ha! or this? blonde vixen looking to wake up in a strange bed. i'd bet she'd get a response to That! Anyway, most people are in it for the looks, i know, so shallow. But I believe the man/woman has to have a sense of humor. That's what makes the world go round. Even though i'm married, I might check out to see who's posting. She might even have to email a few frogs to catch her prince.