Monday, October 24, 2005

Send them to the woods to live!

Do you have anyone in your life you'd like to humble? Someone who takes everyday things for granted..........Wants the best of everything, and has no clue what life is all about?

I'd like to send certain ppl to the woods to live for a week. They'd have to bathe in the creek with a bar of dial, and a big body of water, for anyone to look on in either amusement or disgust. They'd have to hunt for their breakfast, lunch, and dinner for berries. There would be no Lattes, no blow dryers, and no one to hear them whine. I swear, I've always tried to live my life as plain as possible. No frills. Sure i splurge on the occasional thing, but......even if I had a lot of money, I wouldn't want much.

To say you are on a budget, then you go out and buy expensive items, is ridiculous. And to waste 20 minutes whining about your new bathtub that's really deep and takes 93 gallons of water for each fill up........well, that's just pointless. Order the fucking tub, and move on with life.

A simple girl really doesn't understand these things. And i'm wondering how ppl like that can even survive. They are the ones who have to have CD players in their car. Sure I have one...but it's not a necessity. They are the ones that can't go out in the rain without an umbrella. I a little. life's too short to complain about every single thing.

I am beginning to realize what life is all about. And it's not about how many songs you have on your iPod. Or that you get high speed internet or you're just gonna should be simple. If YOU make it complicated, don't try to force others into your high maintenance world.

tune in tomorrow when you find out all about my other neighbor and HIS alcohol problem. I swear they should start a rehab right in my neighborhood! Tomorrow is horrible neighbor day......what's YOUR story?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. »