Thursday, November 17, 2005


This will probably be a boring post, but a much needed one. There was a story in the Washington Post about a 17 yr old girl who was carelessly shot by another teen, while " hanging out" during the summertime. First of all, my first question is: Where did the teen get the gun? He said he didn't realize it was loaded. The Gun should have never been placed where he had access to it. I get so angry at these parents that are at work, while their children are at home doing god's knows what--and they can't even put away their guns! The boy only got 1 1/2 yrs in jail, and probably didn't spend all that time in jail anyway. He was charged with reckless endangerment. ? I say attempted murder. not intentional of course, but you should never point a gun at anyone. The poor girl was coming out of the bathroom, and he pointed a gun at her. she joking said, " you shouldn't play with guns", and he made a joking sound, pulled the trigger, and a shot rang out. I feel this young man should 1. never be able to own a gun 2. should have spent more time in prison to let him reflect on his poor judgement. The girl almost died. I feel the parents should also be held responsible. I do own a gun. It is put away. Even if our sons found the gun, the bullets are not with the gun, and in 15 years, neither of our sons has gotten it out to our knowledge. Parents need to be held responsible. This boy was/is a child. Saying" I didn't think it was loaded" is ridiculous. If the parents were put in jail for the offenses, then they'd wake up. Bottom line: Parents, watch your kids, childproof your home. Even when " Johnny is driving, and 17, he's still a child, so don't leave things around carelessly." What do YOU think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »