Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Valerie & Eddie divorcing?

say it isn't so! Well, Valerie Bertinelli has held up well, but, Eddie, looks a little worse for ware for 50. After all, he has been through drinking, drugging, and cancer in 2000-2001. What WILL they do now? And, as for Jennifer Anniston sunbathing and warning mags not to publish topless photo's.........hmmmmmmmmm........Does she really have enough that we can see them? And what about Saddamm Hussein not showing up for court and telling the judge to go to hell. Who knew he'd be giving the judge problems?! I missed horrible neighbor day twice, I believe, so I owe you a few stories. Billy Bob has been quiet lately, it's cold out, and I suppose he'd holed up inside drinking beer. He did tell my husband that the Doctor told him again: Stop drinking and smoking or you're going to die. Where's willpower when you need it? Have a great Wednesday, and are YOU ready for Xmas?

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