Sunday, December 18, 2005

South Park slams Tom Cruise?

South Park is all in fun. And Tom Cruise is an idiot sometimes. He went on Oprah to tell everyone how happy he was.........engaged to Katie Holmes. But everyone was happy for him when he was married to Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, and engaged to Penelope Cruz. And Penelope wasn't that long ago. Tom is happy he is engaged to a young woman who is probably about 16 years younger than he is. Who knows how long this will last............But south park is all in fun, and he needs to get a sense of humor. But--he's now at the age where he starts losing things.........memory, hair, the young wife, etc. etc. He was quoted as saying That some ppl don't want to see him happy. Tom was the one jumping on Oprah's couch. !