Friday, September 16, 2005

It's Friday!

Yipee. Seriously. For Mom's everywhere Friday always means more work for the next two days. I love my kids, but young adults/twentysomethings beware. Live your life, have fun, settle down, then have kids. I was a young Mom at 19. I'm tired. lol.........Hey! i found a cool website. Do YOU want to know how to win at Carnival games? doesn't everybody? It's funny............ retroCRUSH: the world's finest website At the carnivals, i'm always bitching about how they are slick and try to get your money, and my husband is smiling, and plopping down one twenty dollar bill after another. Hope you enjoy the website. Please leave a comment at the door, and come back on Tuesday for Horrible Neighbor Tuesday. See what Billy Bob is up to now! We have a juicy tidbit for you.. that idiot doesn't disappoint. I want more blog traffic, but dammit I don't have a spare hour today to keep listing this Blog. check out my Blog list...esp. Waiter Rant. He's fabulous. Blog ya later!

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