Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Horrible neighbors, Love you long time? And have YOU ever been Mellow?

1st of all today is horrible neighbor day. Please submit your horrible neighbor story. Most of us have them We just dont' talk about it. Do YOU have neighbors you wish would move? lol I do. Billy bob has been my neighbor for about a year. He lives in his house with his whining dog, bratty teens, age 16 ( girl,just turned aren't we lucky) and 14 ( boy). He believes in the No-disclipline approach to parenting, and when he's not busy downing beers, or watching his neighbors, well.....to put it bluntly....he does nothing.

He's a painter by trade, part-time. He actually asked for a job from my contractor husband. The answer was NO. 1st of all Billy Bob is too old, he's 48, he's out of shape ( not fat, just not healthy), he's an alcoholic, and he's a know-it-all. Billy Bob has never really made anything out of his life. I do feel sorry for the chap, but I have my own family to think of. Billy Bob is also a ticking " time bomb". He has had 2 heart attacks, and looks 10 years older. His Doctors have told him not to drink or smoke/ but he hasn't listened yet. He rarely goes anywhere, and if he does, he has to announce it, and run over to tell my husband about it later.

He recently went to a crab feast. All you can eat--i'm sure--for a fairly low price. He won a Monster remote control Hummer. He was teasing his bratty son about who would get it. One of Billy bob's claim to faim is giving out unwanted advice to the neighborhood children, including my 14 yr old. He told my sons' friend one day, " Dont be like me when you start driving--I got 3 DWI's, but i was only charged with one.

Oddly enough, my neighbor who has the unfortunate pleasure of living directly next to him, we notice he doesn't drive. It's been 15 years since the DWI incident. We wonder what he did to lose his liscense, or maybe he has an outstanding warrant. He complains about his rent, how expensive things are, but always manages to buy that 12 pack and those cigarrettes. Each Tuesday, I'll give you a glimpse into Billy Bob's life. It's not that I"m nosey. But you can't help but pay attention when Billy Bob and his unruly brats spend most of their time on the porch, in their front yard, or in one of their neighbor's yards trespassing.

Today's tidbit comes from a party they threw this weekend. My son was invited. I told him I did not want him going. Luckily, he obliged. Well, as I put out my recycling on my deck, I was out there long enough to hear ( at a sweet sixteen birthday party none the less) a woman yell, " She's going to show you how a real woman drinks."

I'm living across from trailer trash hell. Tune in next Tuesday to find out what Billy Bob has done next. Where is Olivia Newton John's ex? Patrick McDermott? From what most are speculating after she broke up with him, he owes a hell of a lot of child support, he may have just jumped off the boat, to swim to " Gilligan's Island"

On another note, Woody Allen was helping raise money for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Backstage, it was rumoured that he said, " If there are any female asian evacuees that still need a place to stay, my NY apt. is ready for houseguests/future wives". < shaking head

Leave your horrible neighbor story here.