Monday, January 30, 2006

A Million little pieces.........

OH, James Frey....what have you done? First of all, you could have written that your book was " based on a true story". Now, I do recommend that ppl read James Frey's A Million little pieces, fiction or not.

I'm wondering.... Is the staff at Hazelton mad at Frey? Because drug and alcohol, gambling, any addiction is serious, and to try and rid yourself of it is serious also. A Drug rehab has to be taken seriously. Drugs and alcohol are powerful, to say the least. My sister was a drug addict/alcoholic. My brother-in-law who is now deceased was an alcoholic. My father in law spent a few years as an alcoholic. My husband's best friend from childhood, who is now deceased, was a drug addict/alcoholic. I have been around several alcoholics all my life. I wanted to read Frey's book to get a sense of what they went through. It is hard to read how he vomits daily, and describes how he can't hold any food down, and is a medical mess. How he almost died before coming to rehab. Addictions are powerful and the fact that he's sober is a great accomplishment.

So, everyone, get off his dick. Maybe the next time he writes a book, if there is any fiction to it......he could simply state based on a true story. some facts have been wildly exaggerated?

News on the Billy Bob front. He lives in a Duplex, and the neighbor next door is trying to rent out his property. On Saturday, my husband told me that Billy Bob took it upon himself to talk to the prospective neighbors. Sheesh. There goes that tenant. ! Have YOU read Frey's book yet?

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