Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Houseguest from hell

i really found this story quite amusing. I hope you do also. It's from the Washington Post.
The story is about houseguests from hell.........of course. Denise W's ( name changed) guest mentioned on arrival that she'd be of no use around the house because of her " bad ankle".

Denise, who lives in Va., thought her guest must also be nearsighted, given how she'd walk the opposite direction which she was given. She thought it odd when the houseguest's husband- a friend of her husbands--had to grab his wife to keep her from falling down the stairs. But, she does have a bad ankle, Denise thought.

The next morning, while both husbands were out fishing, Denise walked in to find her houseguest squatting on the floor in front of the liquor cabinet, a bottle upended in her mouth. Every other bottle in that liquor cabinet was just one shot shy of empty.

Damn! Is that what i have to do to get out of a little housework? lol well, i don't drink.
Have a nice day. - Janie

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