Sunday, August 20, 2006

Before THIS wedding, eat first

I'll be blogging about this wedding for a few posts, but yesterday I attended my cousin's wedding. It took place in Frederick County in the sticks. A nice countryclub setting....very pretty. 1st thing that went wrong was my cousin's mother told me to make sure I was on time. The wedding was to start at 7:30. I was there at 7:16. 7:30 came and went. No bride. The groom appeared at around 7:45. Then, slowly things got started. So I was to bust my ass driving 1 hr. and 45 minutes to do what???? The bottom line about this wedding was very nice, but I should have eaten before I went. My sons and I were starving........very little appetizers and when our food came, it looked like Ethiopian rations. Now, I know, be greatful you were invited--I am........but someone should have warned me to eat before I came. Several guests at my table looked at one another and said, " Are YOU still hungry?" and how is your day going?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Worse for me was the wedding I attended several years ago. The couple was a specific sect of born-again Christians, and absolutely everything that went on was in that context. Worse yet, there was no alcohol to alleviate the boredom. Thank goodness I'd had advance warning and stashed a small bottle...