Sunday, July 17, 2005

Saddam Hussein should be missing!

What i mean is............We should have found him technically, but, then he should disappear like Jimmy Hoffa. Was there ever a choice to remove Saddam from power? omg the man and his sons were monsters. In different countries, the ppl are like animals....slaughtering one another...they are not civilized. Oh. one knew there would be backlashes from capturing that evil man.......but he needs to be jailed, and any other terrorists along with him.

In the Washington Post Magazine today, they have an article about blogging. The article is by David Von Drehle. He talks about two right wing and one left wing. I understand both sides of the fence. But, in my heart i'm like an aging hippy. Make love not war. But I totally understand in today's world we have to have war. It's unavoidable. But , please don't call our soldiers baby killers. They are doing their job. Quite well. Most of us have no idea what it's like in the Middle east. Only what we read. I praise all the men and women over in Iraq, and other foreign countries who are fighting for our freedom.

Have a great evening. blog ya later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » »