Thursday, December 14, 2006

Little girls gone wild!

o.k. so was anyone surprised that the " Girls gone wild" creator Joe Francis was caught filming underage girls? hmmmmmmm. I think this man is a pig, and is doing what he loves. He's not bad looking, but it does help that he wants to make these girls famous ( wink, wink). My older son is the perfect target age (22) of young men who want to see this smut. I'm all for porn, but let's get ppl over 21. or at least 18. Once this man has a family, he'll be ashamed of what he did. Read about it here" Entertainment News- 'Girls Gone' Founder Gets Community Service - AOL News

then again, maybe he won't be ashamed.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

horrible neighbor day!

Billy Bob hasn't been too annoying lately. He did pop over on Saturday to ask if we had a Baltimore county map. ! I suppose Billy Bob hasn't heard of 7- Eleven, and he can get one for about 11.95. !! It seems Billy Bob's brother in law is an Orkin man, and to get out of his desperate routine of nothing to do--he was going on a call with the brother in law. Billy Bob is also the kind of person who will pop over to ask for anything. He's asked for spare lumber, plumbing accessories, paint. you name it. There's a trailer park waiting for him to move in. It can't happen soon enough. Do YOU have a horrible neighbor story? Happy Holidays and good luck with Xmas shopping, I just can't seem to get in the holiday spirit.

Friday, December 08, 2006

pick up lines

pick up lines by sign? ridiculous. the pick-up line for my sign is....... you look like my 3rd spouse. Of course , I've only been married twice. That really blows. 1st of all......I would not want someone who'd been married twice. Once is enough. But maybe, if i'm like 55, and for some reason i'm divorced, or widowed, all the men I meet may have been married and divorced many times. I think pick-up lines suck in gereral. I say, just be yourself. go up to the person and say hello. Even though i'm married, I can tell you there have been many times when i was in a 7-eleven, and saw a guy i would date, if I were single. you meet at the coffee machine, and you can feel the tension. I would look at him, and he'd look at me...and it's almost like you'd both date each other. Smile. make eye contact. I know it's not that easy to meet people, but you have to be open. Sometimes I wish i were single and could date again for a month. then, go back to being married. i suppose. ! For more pick-up lines by sign: Finding Love by Sign: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo - AOL Horoscopes o.k. now I just the cheesiest one of all. I'll cook you dinner, if you cook me breakfast. My idea is......if it's right, you shouldn't even have to ask....just go with the flow. I'm so cool ( lol)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Sadness for Kim family

I just read where they found the body of Mr. Kim, missing since Nov. 25 in Oregon. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Kim family. Story here: Missing father found dead in Oregon creek - The Boston Globe

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Your worst nightmare!

I just read the story about the Kim family in Oregon. That is one of my worst fears. I'm in the middle of nowhere and it's snowing. My van runs off the road. It's wrecked and down at the bottom of the snowy hill. There are no people or houses around for miles. I'm tired, cold, and hungry. That poor family. I pray they find Mr. Kim and Soon. God i hope they had some leftovers in that car. Read the story here: Police Find Three Members of Missing Family - AOL News Today is horrible neighbor day--I'll try to post later.

Monday, December 04, 2006

It's the holidays and time for annoying family

I love Xmas as much as the next person, but you can really see selfishness come out during xmas. My cousin, who has a family of four now since her daughter married, went out of town last week. I wanted to phone her and ask about Xmas, and what everyone wanted. My mother informed me that cousin Lily was going to be busy all weekend and could NOT take my call. Well, I have 3 kids, and the weekends are a little more relaxed. No school, etc. So what does Lily do? she calls me at 7:20 a.m. this morning, I'm in the shower, and says she needs to talk to me TODAY. She's going shopping. Isn't it amazing how Xmas is about giving, but certain ppl just want you to be at their beck and call. I have to blog today! I have work! I love my relatives, I suppose it's better than having none at all, but this cousin has 1 grown child, and does have her elderly father to care for, but doesnt' realize that with 3 kids, a job, my house, I'm busy too. Tomorrow is horrible neighbor day, and my neighbor has been up to absolutely nothing! Do YOU have a neighbor with too much time on their hands? I sympathize. He's not as nosey as some, but Billy Bob is just plain annoying and needs a life. He would be more comfortable in a trailer park, more his speed. He's the typical neighbor who always comments on anything new you get, ask my husband for a job, gives kids in the neighborhood unwanted advice about his drunken past, you know the type. He sticks out here like a sore thumb. Why does it bother me , you ask? Because I'm a bitch who enjoys my privacy. Have a great day, Happy Holidays and remember.....only 21 more days til Xmas. ( lol )