Friday, December 08, 2006

pick up lines

pick up lines by sign? ridiculous. the pick-up line for my sign is....... you look like my 3rd spouse. Of course , I've only been married twice. That really blows. 1st of all......I would not want someone who'd been married twice. Once is enough. But maybe, if i'm like 55, and for some reason i'm divorced, or widowed, all the men I meet may have been married and divorced many times. I think pick-up lines suck in gereral. I say, just be yourself. go up to the person and say hello. Even though i'm married, I can tell you there have been many times when i was in a 7-eleven, and saw a guy i would date, if I were single. you meet at the coffee machine, and you can feel the tension. I would look at him, and he'd look at me...and it's almost like you'd both date each other. Smile. make eye contact. I know it's not that easy to meet people, but you have to be open. Sometimes I wish i were single and could date again for a month. then, go back to being married. i suppose. ! For more pick-up lines by sign: Finding Love by Sign: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo - AOL Horoscopes o.k. now I just the cheesiest one of all. I'll cook you dinner, if you cook me breakfast. My idea is......if it's right, you shouldn't even have to ask....just go with the flow. I'm so cool ( lol)

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