Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Hanoi Jane?

sorry i have not blogged, but it looks like only 1 person read my blog. ok i'm gonna cry now................... anyway, i read an interesting article ( small)
Tuesday April 19 Jane Fonda was in Kansas City promoting her book, " Why am i a traitor" oops no i think it's called My life so far..............
a 54 yr old vietnam vet, Michael smith, per the greatest newspaper The washington Post

waited 90 minutes, then spit tobacco juice in Ms. fonda's face. ewwwwwwwww
that's nasty, but damn why didn't you spit a Load in her face.

I can't believe anyone ever called our vietnam vets babykillers. They were just following orders. I hate these anti-war liberals...even though i'm a liberal. hell, more needs to be done.

Shut down the borders. Show the other countries who's boss i say. I don't like hearing about the casualties of war.........but after 9-11........

the bottom line even for the Araqies treat others as you would have them treat you.
If everyone followed that logic, there would be no war..........or all the evil people would be dead.

American Idol is tonight. Vote for Constantine!!!!!

-Janie comments are welcome and do come back.