Tuesday, March 29, 2005


well, Easter is over and i'm glad. another way to take your money. There is too much candy left over............... so how was your Easter? leave a comment.......read the blog history. Thanks. I'll be here all week -Janie

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Waaaaaaaaaaah my tivo isn't working

i don't mean to whine...but my tivo isn't working. jesus i never knew how important tv was. lol
post if you'd like. How important is TV to YOU?


Monday, March 21, 2005

Free Hit Counters

Hit Counter

Some of my favorite links...........

ok..........here are some links/blogs to check out........ damn blog is acting up again. Is my Blog HOT or NOT click on this link to find some very interesting blogs............and if you read the 40 top links you'll see a blog is on that page almost every day. even Rosie Odonnell blogged about that new show Fat Actress and i missed it damn it. Does anyone have the link? ok here are a few hot blogs...........and i'm outta here. Comment if you'd like............................... gigglechick.com that's one.......and here's one more The Hot Librarian enjoy reading those blogs and toodles........ so what do you think of fat actress? -janie

Can you read me now?

i keep changing my blog name, hoping it will attract more attention. i'm kind of like a woman who strips naked in the middle of the highway............ look at me dammit. Leave a comment if you'd like. -Janie