Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year Baby!

Happy New Year to all! One of my resolutions is to be funnier in 2006. Another is to lose weight. Isn't that 70% of ppl's anyway? Get my fat ass to the Gym. It's fucking 4 miles away, and I can't manage to go there? Is it even open tomorrow? I bet it will be crowded because everyone else is dragging their fat asses there. lol................... i'm going to try to come up with a horrible neighbor story Every Tuesday. And on's is that masculine? Are you like me and want to see more men act like John Wayne instead of Richard Simmons. man: wow. you never wear Jeans to work. ( to another man) What he really wants to say is: wow. your ass looks great. Gimme a real man. One who eats bullets for lunch. What do YOU say? oh, and hell i so wanted to make the time midnight for my post, but i'm no cheater.

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