do you have a friend/family member who seems to have an alternate view of reality? I have a cousin, we'll call her Katie. We've been close all our lives........i've been through ups, downs, boyfriends, people who she used to call her friends, etc. with this gal.
She found out an old b/f of hers died this summer. It was a shock, but this man had been sick for quite some time. The problem is......our views on their relationship differ. Mr. X cheated on her, flirted with girls in front of her, put her down, and basically tried to single handedly destroy her self esteem. This happened many years ago. I know what you are thinking...what does that have to do with anything? well, i'll tell you. Katie's mother said while she was sorry Mr. X died, she was glad he/Katie did not end up married. I echoed the sentiment. She lashed out that Mr. X was the most wonderful b/f in the world. ! I know she's upset, emotions run wild, but my dear cousin has a habit of always seeking an "alternative reality". She's been on meds for depression, meds to help her sleep. Im just " there" for her. But, I was curious to see if anyone else has someone in their life who refuses to believe reality, and would rather invent their own version of life. I'll give you an example of a Mr. X/Katie moment.
Mr. X was a very intelligent man. He probably had an iq of 160. He was 10 years older than Katie. They'd been dating a year, and Mr. X, who was the career college student, came home from college one day and said, and I quote, " I need someone in my life who is on my level, with my intelligence, someone I can come home to and discuss real issues. I just can't find that in you. " ! Katie called me that day, some 13 years ago, and I remember our conversation. She was crying, and said " Am I stupid"? ( she's not) I just calmly told her that there was a big age difference, and Mr. X had experienced a lot more of life than she had. Katie is a firm believer than age doesn't matter. But it does. Do you have a Katie in YOUR life?
Happy New Year all!
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