Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sucker born every day for Monavie!

It's been a long time since I've posted. I notice when I post about Monavie, I get a lot of action. First, I'm not as crazy as you Monavie distributors may think. In today's economy it just doesn't make sense to spend extra money you dont' have on juice.

I exercise, I have coached my sons soccer team, and I actually lost weight the old fashion way--keeping active.

I want to warn anyone who wants to distribute Monavie. If you can get people to buy it--good for you. My husband and I tried it. We are two healthy adults, 44, 48. We have our general aches and pains. We tried a "free" bottle. Of course, Monavie distributors will tell you that you will have to drink Monavie for months before you notice results.

I have read claims it took only a few doses for some people. Take that free bottle and try it for youself. If you are a person who doesn't eat fruit, maybe you will see a difference. In my opinion, Monavie mixes too many fruits. Both my husband and I felt tired and lethargic after some of the morning doses.

My husband said the taste was bitter. I didnt' mind the taste, but at 40$ a bottle, it's too expensive. Eat right, exercise. Drink Orange Juice. It's only 2.99 a bottle.

As for you Monavie lovers, everyone has their opinion. I'm just teliing anyone who will read this that Monavie didnt' do a thing for my husband and I--It may work for some, but Monavie makes too many empty promises.

Have a great day all--my terrible alcholic neighbor is gone now. It's been over a year, and my other neighbor and I still laugh about him.

Do YOU have terrible neighbors?


Anonymous said...

If you're comparing a $2.99 bottle of Orange Juice to a $32 bottle of Monavie... It's like comparing a bicycle to a Lamborghini! The same goes for a bycicle repair guy giving advice that Lamborghini is not worth the price! I have been drinking it for FREE since week one.

Anonymous said...

you are a clueless individual and ignorant to boot...comparing orange juice to the nutritional value of the monavie blend...if you were not lazy you would not be spending a dime on the product because you would be getting it for free as a successful distributor...I have been a distributor for 2 months and am averaging about $1000 per month in commissions...and by the way you can't put a price on health

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Excellent points.

If the product is too expensive for a consumer to purchase, then "sales" are only happening because of the business opportunity (qualifying orders and distributors buying product to hand out for prospects).

The other issue with Monavie is that since it is a binary comp plan, it will take 26 distributors (13 on left & right) in order to earn enough monthly commission to cover a persons autoship qualifying order.

These are just two reasons why Monavie is going to have above average problems with attrition.

Not to mention they are another juice in the long line of super juices that form the "juice war" phenomenon.

IG said...

I know my mom swear by it. She is also making about $1000 a week from it

Video I found on it

Anonymous said...

@ 2nd to last post

Monavie said :

it does not take 13 people on your left and right leg to earn enough commission to cover your auto ship.

you sign 2 people up on 2 case auto ship and your product is free ~

dumb ass ~ try reading more detail about the comp plans before you speak your ignorance