A look at life, men, craziness from day to day, current events , marriage and kids from a 40 something nutty woman.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Monavie AGAIN Try it for yourself!
I knew I'd have Monavie fans posting to my blog, and I welcome them. If you want to try Monavie--go ahead. I'm not going to buy $200.00 worth of Monavie. I have lived a healthy lifestyle, I don't drink, I don't do drugs, and I do eat plenty of vegetables. If you think that 4 oz. of Monavie will replace eating fruits and vegetables, that is just silly. I want to respond to Danny's comment. We are exactly the same age, so we've both had quite a few years of life experience. I went to the Monavie websites, and read the comments. Quite a few people said they noticed a difference right away with Monavie. I wanted to try it for myself, and i did. Of course you want me to buy more Monavie and keep spending $40 a bottle. That's how the Monavie sales reps start to make money. But in order to even start to make money, you have to recruit 6 or more people to sell Monavie. I'm not going to sell a product that didn't have any effect on me. It made me tired in the morning after a drank the 2 oz. Twice within the six days, I had a headache after drinking Monavie. Bottom line--it's not for everyone. There is no miracle drink. Monavie is an expensive drink, plain and simple. As far as Monavie doing amazing things, You cannot believe everything you hear. I would have to live with a person and watch them drink the monavie to believe it actually helped them. The Monavie team wants to make money. What better way than someone saying......... I was in a car accident a year ago, and had a sprained back. I'm on disability, and now after drinking Monavie for 3 months, my back feels better. I'm sorry, but i'm not that gullible. Danny asked how much fruit I throw away. Answer: none. I eat all my apples, oranges, blueberries, strawberries. I feel that even if I invested $200.00 in Monavie, it would not improve my quality of life. I think that perhaps Monavie helps those who are sick. Just a little. Maybe enough for them to notice, but my husband (47) and I (43) are both healthy adults. It made no difference in either of us. My husband complained of being tired after the morning dosage also. It's not about being negative, its about being truthful. It's about time someone told the truth. Bottom line: Monavie is expensive at $40 a bottle. It's like a thick grape juice. a little tangy. My husband did not care for the taste. Good luck selling the Monavie, but I just don't think its anything more than a bunch of fruits mixed up in a bottle and it's overpriced. I read what Danny wrote about cancer cells. Are you kidding me? Are the monavie people actually telling everyone that we could all have cancer cells in our body? Shame on anyone who tells that lie. If someone does have cancer, Monavie will not CURE it. They will more than likely have to go through chemotherapy, and shame on you for making them have false hopes. Stay positive about life, eat your fruits and vegetables, exercise, and don't believe everything you read. I've made it this far, and I want to be honest about my Monavie experience. Have a great week everyone!
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Hello Nutty Woman
I agree with you that you need to workout,eat right and get enough rest and that Mona Vie is expensive, but to 500,000 people Mona Vie is worth every penny. I'm not going to bore you with our results. I'm just going to say that as long as Mona Vie is made, my husband and I will be drinking it. http://secret-berry.com
First, thank you for posting as I am looking for real testimonies of whether or not people feel ailments related to inflammation going away.
Second, I do disagree with one thing. Cancer is caused by chemicals in pre-packaged foods, chemicals in the exhaust we breathe while driving, and thousands of other chemicals. I've heard many times in medical publications that YES everyone has a few cancer cells in their bodies..but they don't GET CANCER because their immune system gets rid of them daily. People whose immune systems aren't getting rid of the cancer cells daily are the ones who "get cancer". So that part I've heard dozens of times. And when you stop to think about it...a hundred years ago, people didn't die of cancer very often. But a hundred years ago, our air was clear, our water was clear, and people cooked more things from scratch, no one "nuked" their food in a microwave etc. People forget that cancer wasn't a big deal back then. Thanks for listening. And thanks again for the review as I said, I'm looking for reviews not associated with "sellers" so I can find out if this is really healthy or not.
Its great you tried it! I didn't experience any change until the third week at 4 ounces a day. And I continued to see more benefits up to today. I can bet that I am not as healthy as you though. :)
Its been almost two months, and among other things my cholesterol and blood pressure have been going down. So it is a great product for me! Not selling to anyone currently. It is worth the $125 a month to me personally.
If you ever want to try it again, order it on ebay for around $90 for 1 month's worth and give it another try.
this link says it all! If you could possibly prevent or prolong a battle with cancer or other ailments for less than a mocha latte from starbucks a day why would you not give it a try. I believe there are many products that over promise and under deliver, but if you goggle this product for 5 hours and come up with just a handful of nay sayers. I think the product works.
sure there are bi est opinions. However if you search websites and message boards not affiliated with monavie the majority of testimonies are positive>
Before I make my two points, let me just say this...A negative person who takes the time to "pooh-pooh" any natural product that has helped thousands of people from one extreme to another and is even convinced that a high antioxidant has made her and her husband tired is either a delusional lunatic who has no clue about how free radicals in the body work or a stock holder in an opposing company that gives squat residuals back to their consumers.
#1) My husband and I are owners of a health club. A gym member gave us a bottle of MonaVie as a gift. After a few days, we started having better workouts with quicker recouperation time, and our joint aches started to subside (due to the anti-inflamitory ingrediants of the 'active' MonaVie). Yes, we became hooked. So much so that after our research, we immediately removed several products from our juice bar including our wheat grass. Remember a shot of MonaVie has 5 times the antioxidants of 1 shot of wheatgrass. So yes we took the product very seriously and in general most of our members love it and even add a gel pack into their water bottles for a better workout. We now have famous athletes who can swear about the effects, including a pro body builder Mr. Desmond Miller and world strongman and power lifter Vlad lhazov. Enough said.
#2) My father-in-law and uncle have been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer this year. One with terminal non-hodgkins and the other with terminal pancreatic cancer. I'm not saying that MonaVie cures cancer. No one can prove that although there is research that proves that intaking high antioxidants reduces free radicals and helps the body heal(google it). All I know is my father-in-law was almost completely destroyed by his radiation sessions. He is very old school and hardly speaks any English. All we said was take two shots a day of this fruit juice. A week later, he calls up my husband and says "what kind of medicine did you put in that juice. I'm not naucious and in pain anymore and I'm sleeping like a rock again. And by the way I'm gonna start comming to the gym soon." It's been two months and he is now in remission and back to his old routine. His doctors are amazed. Can we prove MonaVie was the cause - of course not. But if you bump into him one day, you will never guess what cancer did to his body and he will probably chew your ear off about this drink his son drops off at his house, that is if you speak greek. By the way our uncle has more energy too. And no - neither are distributers, my husband and I buy it for them.
P.S. Kudos to all of you with open minds and open hearts. All of us are unique and of course react differently to just about everything. If this helps at all we did notice that healthier and more fit people usually take longer to start seeing results. Good luck and wishing all of you good health through the holiday season and beyond!!!
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You said it yourself....ONE NUTTY WOMAN! - Monavie absolutly does work, however, if you are closed minded and negative right out the gate about something that could seriously improve the quality of your life then GOOD I'm glad YOU THINK you didn't get results - I personaly know several people who have completly gotten off all medications for all sorts of ailments due to monavie - I personaly have NEVER felt better nor has MY husband who is a professional athlete - but you keep wasting your time driving to the whole food store and buying only organic fruit because that must be what your doing since your smart enough to know that any produce bought in the grocery store has almost NO nutirents and good for you for only eating your fruits and veggies raw as well because I'm assuming you wouldn't possibly cook the nutrients right out of your veggies either - YOU'RE NOT A NUT BUT A DUMB ASS
Hello you like other people i know just consumed 1 bottle;i don't know but the point is that yes it does work my family saw the results in me i can go on with my testimony but won't cause you probably don't care
and yes i was and am a very healthy person and still got ill but MonAvie changed my life.....God Bless and be happy ...
How would You like to Represent the most powerful all-natural antioxidant juice in the world Jus 23 is a blend of 23 exotic berries fruits, & herbs the ingredient list for jus reads like an all natural superfood. Hi this is Thomas from Boise Id Jus International has just had the pre-launch of the product; You have a great opputiry for You & Your Family! One 25 oz bottle of jus last for 25 days do the math! Check out the video at www.myjus23.com/thomas or e-mail me at my23jus@yahoo.com or call 208-888-3829
With an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) of over 8,600 per ounce, Jus has 10 - 65 times the amount of antioxidants as similar products, such as MonaVie, POM Wonderful, Vitamin Water XXX, and others.
Actually Jus is so powerful, you would have to drink over 12 bottles of MonaVie, to equal the same amount of antioxidants as 1 bottle of Jus!!! Why waste your money on 12, or more bottles of other products, when you can buy just one bottle of Jus? Jus is not only a great value, but it tastes great too! And with only 4g of suger per serving, it's safe for diabetics
never felt this good and people call me each day saying the same..
Facts are below...
Nutrients found in Açai Berry (Freeze-dried and Pulp) (This is before processing)
The Açai berry contains the following vitamins, minerals, & nutrients:
Vitamin A (as beta carotene)
Vitamin B-3 (as niacin)
Vitamin C (as ascorbate ion)
Vitamin E (as alpha tocopherol)
Vitamin B-1 (as thiamin)
Vitamin B-2 (as riboflavin)
Sterols, Beta-sitosterol
The vitamins and minerals listed above are found in the finished MonaVie product, but the levels of some are too low to list on the label. In order to list a vitamin or mineral on the label, there must be 2% or more of the recommended Daily Value per 1 ounce serving.
Schauss AG, Wu X, Prior RL, Ou B, Patel D, Huang D, Kababick JP. Phytochemical and nutrient composition of the freeze-dried Amazonian palm berry, Euterpe oleraceae mart. (açai).
J Agric Food Chem. 2006 Nov 1;54(22):8598-603.
Here is some general information about vitamins and minerals:
There are two classes of vitamins: water soluble and fat soluble. Water soluble vitamins included most B vitamins and Vitamin C. When a person consumes these vitamins, the body will use what it needs and excrete the rest. They body does not store these vitamins well and that is why there is a set amount recommended to consume every day (this is true for all B Vitamins but Vitamin B6 which the body will store).
The other class of vitamins, fat soluble, includes vitamins D, E, K, and A. These vitamins are easily stored by the body and if a person takes too much (only attainable through supplementation and not diet alone), they can risk toxicity because the body does not have an effective way to discard excess of these vitamins if necessary. I have listed the Recommended Daily Intakes (RDIs) for each of the vitamins below for your reference.
· Folate (Folic Acid, Folacin) 400 micrograms/day
· Niacin (Nicotenic Acid, nicotinamide, or B3) 16mg/day
· Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 1.3 mg/day
· Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 1.2 mg/day
· Vitamin A 900 micrograms/day. Do not consume over 3,000 micrograms/day for extended periods of time
· Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 15 mg/day. Do not consume more than 1000mg/day for extended periods of time
· B6 1.3 mg/day. Do not consume over 100 mg/day for extended periods of time
· B12 2.4mg/day.
· Vitamin C 60 mg/day.
· Vitamin D 5 micrograms/day. Do not consume more than 50 micrograms/day for extended periods of time.
· Phosphorus 700mg/day. Do not consume more than 4000mg/day
· Magnesium 350mg/day
· Calcium 1000mg/day. Do not consume over 2500mg/day
· Potassium 4.7g/day.
It is safe to consume supplements as long as you do not consume over the amounts listed above. I would suggest you continue to consume your supplements and adjust them as necessary. Please remember to consult with a physician before changing your diet or consuming supplements.
Here is a full nutrition label for 4 ounces of juice:
Nutrition Information 4 ounces Daily (Original & Active Juice)
Calories: 120
Calories from Fat: 20
Total Fat: 2 g, 3%*
Cholesterol: 0 mg, 0%*
Potassium: 220 mg, 6%*
Sodium: 20 mg, 1%
Total Carbohydrate: 24 g, 8%*
Dietary Fiber: 3g, 12%*
Sugars: 12 g
Protein: 1 g, 2%*
Calcium: 25 mg, 3%*
Vitamin A: 125 IU, 3%*
Vitamin C: 60 mg, 100%*
Vitamin E: 1.1 IU 4%
Iron: 1.5 mg, 8%*
Vitamin K: 38 mcg, 48%*
Polyphenols (Antioxidant) 280 mg**
Glucosamine: ~1,000 to 1,200 mg (Active only)
*Percent Daily Value based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Not a significant source of saturated fat, or trans fat
**Percent Daily Value not established.
The other benefits are the antioxidants and phytonutrients contained in MonaVie. Antioxidants help fight free radicals in your body produced from oxidative stress. Phytonutrients are concentrated in the skins of many fruits and vegetables, and are responsible for their color, hue, scent, and flavor. Scientists have discovered some 25,000 phytonutrients in foods and they believe they may be why in part that consuming fruits and vegetables are so beneficial to your health.
First, let me say I have no vested interest in MonaVie although I AM thinking about becoming a distributor.
Someone came over and dropped off a bottle and I can honestly say it has increased my mood and sense of well-being considerably. Plus, I know I am not currently eating the proper amounts of fruits and vegetables.
I have spent weeks researching MonaVie looking for both the good and bad comments. Most of the negative comments deal with how the product is distributed. Well, my response to that is that everything you buy has a markup, especially things like jewelry. Do you not buy them because of the mark up? I'd rather pay for something I know that works than get on anti-depressants or other medication. Plus, I simply love the MonaVie bottle, the whole nine yards.
Of course the taste won't appeal to everyone. That's why there's the try before you buy aspect. Secondly, it will not WORK for everyone. But you can always mix it with something else -- make a salad dressing out of it or even a smoothie.
I LOVE MonaVie -- and didn't think I would so it is a nice surprise!
My family and I have been taking Monavie for about three months. My husband after 3 days, his back stopped hurting (which was hurting EVERY day prior to taking Monavie). I noticed the FIRST night and every night thereafter, I slept like a baby (I always woke up and tossed and turned all night long). When I woke up, I felt rested and ready to go!
I look forward to taking my Monavie. My kids remind me that they didn't get their dose, as they enjoy taking it as well. Even if it never "DID" anything for you, if you did your research, you would find that you are only putting amazingly good fruits in your body. To have something negative to say about it is to be critical of the business side. To that I will say, everything in this world is about the buck and a sale. Why not sell a product that you can actually be helping people feel better and be healthier. You said you tried it, but I am wondering for how long? Did you try one bottle and expect a "Miracle" and didn't find one within a week? Most people "poo poo" things they are ignorant of.
Have you heard of "free radicals"? Read up on that. Also read up on the Acai berry. For the record, I don't believe everything I read, I tried it and it worked for me.
My husband and I just started in the Monavie business and we were very skeptical of it at first, then we decided to try it and for 5 years I have had chronic joint and muscle pain in my lower back and I was seeing a chiro. and taking pain relievers for it. I drank the Monavie for awhile and my back pain is gone. I also was suffering from an ongoing sinus problem that my doctors kept telling me did not need meds for, so after trying the drink my sinus infection cleared away!!! My daughter also loves taking it.
As for the NUTTY WOMAN...she must lead and awful life to be so negative about something that has proven to be so positive!! Have a great day!!
Hi there
I would like to comment to Nutty woman. I know that you are entitiled to you opinion. Which is the beauty of blogs. First of all you do not need 6 people to become a Monavie Distributor. Secondly something that most people seem to not understand about mlm is that it is a viable means to make income and the companies that choose to make mlm their mode of business price the products to fit that business model. Becoming successful in any direct sales business or mlm is hard work and yes only the stong survive just like ceos of large companies eg. coke, microsoft, nike etc. Mona vie is a fantastic product and I know in our family it has made a difference that we have not attained elsewhere. Here is something for any mlm or monavie bashers to chew on. Don't join!!!!
You choose how to live your life- if this type of business is not in line with your scope of comfort or reasoning don't bash those of us that still like to dream and live life with enthusiasm. The choice is yours! If I remember correctly we still do live in a free country!!!!
Joanne from Canada
another comment from Canada...Please Nutty Woman do your homework before you comment...we don't have cancer cells?? Free Radicals?? Do you have any clue what any of this means? Did you know that you can brag about how many fruit and vegetables you do eat...but do you know their nutritional content? Did you know that in 1951 it took 2 peaches to give you your RDA of Vit A......and today it would take 53 peaches to give you the same amount of Vit A??? Go to FoodMatters.com and whatch this 3 minute trailer to a documentary..might educate you a little! Funny how the skeptics are never educated...
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I am very much appreciate to read your blog. Monavie juice is good for health and it reduce fatness from our body.
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Now Monavie juice helps to lose fat and keep fit and fine. MonaVie is a nutritional juice made with a large number of acai berries commonly found in remote areas of Amazon and 18 nutritious fruits.
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