Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Naked in the window!

For lack of something to blog about, I'll tell one of my horrible neighbor stories for today. Sorry I missed yesterday's Horrible neighbor day. I was so busy........The kids take up most of my time, other than work. I really need to jot things down to blog about because my entire life is one chaotic mess. Billy Bob ( my white trash neighbor across the street) had been speaking with one of his bratty children, and she told him our neighbor across the street, we'll call him " Jack" had been undressing in front of his window and he had no blinds. This derelict Billy Bob didn't think to tell Jack. Instead, he waited until one night he could observe this himself, and he did. Who knows how much time had passed, but my middle son informed me he had seen Jack half-naked himself. Once my husband had the information, I delicately told Jack myself. He was mortified, but the moral of the story is: Get curtains or blinds for gods sake. And, if you don't--you too ,may have your neighbor peeping at you!

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