Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mel Gibson: Angry drunk?

Mr. Gibson, who apparently can't handle his liquor, is a bad example for his younger fans. Older fans will just shake their head. Should the jewish ppl forgive him? hmmmmm. Well, I'm not jewish, but I wouldn't watch any more of his movies. He's a sad man, and to think this man has about 9 children and is probably a grandfather. Smart move going into rehab......but don't think everyone will forget. Especially not " sugartits" for the story click on this link.

Shame on you Mel, acting like an immature 18 yr old.
Movie News- gibson-enters-ongoing-program-after - AOL News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know how but I somehow missed the "Sugartits" part of the whole Mel Gibson thing. And that's the best part of the story. Now that Mel's broken it out, I can use it with great abandon (and irony, of course). (-;