Sunday, November 06, 2005


This is one of those little stories i tell. My husband is a contractor/plumber. One of our friends, told another friend about my husband. It seems her friend, i'll call him " Alec " was remodeling his bathroom, and doing much of it himself. He couldn't get the old shower pan out. He tried and tried, and even had my friend's husband try. He even got several of his " buddies" to try. No luck. So , my husband went over, and after an hour and a half, got the old shower pan out by breaking it up.....and plus having a lot of experience removing old fixtures, shower pans, etc. My husband told him he'd call him to let him know how much he owed him. Well, my husband called and said, " 75.00". The guy nearly flipped. I suppose the fact this man is jewish means nothing. No offense Jewish ppl. Anyway, he refused to pay. After a few days, and researching this with his " buddies" he said " 40.00" would have been enough. My husband was insulted. He told him to keep his 40.00 if he was that broke. To this day, we still have to see " Alec" around our city because our children are the same age. ( we both have 15 yr olds). Isn't it wonderful to be cheap? The proper way to have done it would have been for Alec to tell my husband he'd have to pay him in installments. There is no gratitude with some ppl. Has anyone ever stiffed YOU? Have a great Sunday! Go Redskins!