I'm sure you've heard of re-gifting. It's where someone gets a gift they don't want, then they give it to you.......well in my family, there is now a new tradition. The gifts you get for free for either filling out a survey, buying a phone, opening up a bank account etc. now go to us, or anyone else they can pawn it off on.
I knew the gifts were probably freebies, but i didn't have proof until i filled out a financial survey. If I filled out a short survey online, i could get a Calculator. And, it's the exact same one my son got for xmas from an Aunt. If i bought 100.00 worth of merchandise, I'd get a nice pen. Exactly the same pen my older son got from the same Aunt. Our house is cluttered enough. I'm going to start dropping by the local shelters and dumping off these gifts. Someone can appreciate them. What's next? you make me a cardboard jewelry box out of your cereal boxes just to get credit for recycling? Or you make me a pencil holder out of 20 pieces of old, discarded gum? So has anyone ever reGifted YOU?
We have an aunt, the widow of my mom's deceased brother. Every year my mom would send her some nice gift from LL Bean or Harry and David. Each year we would get random gifts that my mom would make excuses for. Cheap metal ornament that probably came attached to something else "maybe it's homemade kids!" Socks. Plain black socks, "how thoghtful kids! Always need more!" My mom gave up when one year when I was 12 and my sister was 9 we got engagement calendars. Those little plastic covered calendars the size of a checkbook that women sick in their purses. They had the poem "Footprints" on them, and we are not Christians.
That year, my mom proposed to my aunt that we stop exchanging gifts. I got away from high expectations to unwrapping crap for a good 17 years... until my wedding. She gave me a crystal bowl in a box for a candelabra, wrapped in newspaper to make it fit the box. Lovely.
Long story short... I can relate!
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