Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Coming to a High School near You.........

It's Ben Frawley. It's been reported he had a relationship with a 16 ( at the time) yr old. He was taking pictures of the girl, now 17, and missing, Taylor Behl.

I would like to tell Mr. Frawley, if he did have this relationship, how inappropriate it is.

Since when did High schools become social clubs for older men? I just have to wonder why this guy can't get women his own age?????

And for all you other older men thinking or dating young girls--find someone closer to your age. What could you possibly have in common with these young women? PIGS!

And this is even more horrifying.......

Adult content.....

Man charged with raping 12-year-old girl at Roanoke Co. motel

Blog ya later!

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