Sunday, June 05, 2005

It's getting hot in take off........

ok. well if it's just you and your husband/wife/lover/partner that's fine. But we have kids underfoot.
I came upon this blog the other day. There is language, but this fellow is amusing. check him out!
What's a Black man to do?

I have been reading just a bit about the Michael Jackson court case-wrap up. Ok so the accuser was on the roller coaster throwing things at the Elephants. someone should explain to Michael that 13 yr old boys do tend to get into mischief. Of course, another 45 yr old man may be a little more grown up.

And now there is a warrant out for Bobby Brown. ok, so we're looking for Osama Bin Laden and Bobby Brown? what's the chance their doing coke together? hmmmmmmmm? ok nevermind. Have a great day, and come back often. i wanna see my web counter go up to 300 by Tuesday.
- Janie