Monday, May 09, 2005

My crazy neighbors

one part of my life i've never discussed is my crazy, trashy neighbors. i'll update you on them from time to time as the developments occur. Last night, i had two teenagers running around outside the front of my house yelling while i'm trying to get my 6 yr old to bed. It was after 9, on a school night. Sorry to piss on anyone's Cheerios, but shouldn't all school kids be in by 9?

Damn. No one wants to parent these days. I'm no Donna Reed, but i have my children in by 8:30 usually, most of the time it's before that actually. lol My 14 yr old complains. " Mom. Everyone else gets to stay out later". yes, and they have parents who are permissive. Anyway, I love kids, but when it starts getting late...........everyone needs to be inside ( except adults of course) and i don't want them hanging out in front of my house either.

Ok. to give you a little background on myself.......My husband and I are middle class parents. We live in the suburbs. We have a nice, average home. We also collect cars. We have 4 cars and 2 work trucks, and My older bratty son has a car.

We're not rich, but we support our family. Anyway, in our neighborhood there are several families who work hard and are very good parents. However, up the street, 2 houses up we have a rental home.........We've had another family of winners living there 2 families ago. They were bad also. The boy both took and dealt drugs, got kicked out of his HS and had every lowlife in my city visiting him. The mother was a single mother with an alcoholic, drug addicted b/f who i saw nearly daily, hanging out on the front porch, sometimes making his drug deals loudly on his cell phone ( which i'm sure she bought) that family moved, thank god.
Now we have what i'll call WT2 ( white trash 2)
This is going to be a long post to read. Hope i don't bore you. Anyway in WT2's family we have the working alcoholic that's not working/part time painter/pretty much loser as head of household. He's not a very responsible parent, but i suppose he tries in his own way. The Mom of the house seems ok, but has not bothered to teach her children respect, and let's them pretty much stay out very late.

The two siblings, The girl, 16, boy, 13. They've already angered 3 neighbors and they've only lived here about 6 months. They'll trespass on your property, play loudly in front of your house ( not their own) hang out on their front porch screaming at cars/people that go by. They will look in the windows of your home as often as they can. My home it was from the sidewalk, so you can't see too much, but with my neighbor next door, they were up close and personal right at her bedroom window. They are menaces which i suppose i'll have to put up with. My neighbor across the street ( their next door neighbor) hopes they don't last through the winter.
Well, this isn't Mayberry.
Have a great Monday. comment if YOU too have horrible neighbors. -Janie


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