A look at life, men, craziness from day to day, current events , marriage and kids from a 40 something nutty woman.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Dakota Fanning: weighing in......
o.k. hold on to your boot straps. I'm a mom of 3. My oldest is 22. I can tell you that a child of 12 is not mature enough to know what her " rape scene" will truly mean, or how everyone will perceive it. The adults around her will tell her it's " art". Or, they'll say.....wouldn't it be educational to get the message out there that rape to a 12 yr old is wrong. Don't we already know that? I think it's shocking, absurd, and just plain perverted. As a mother, I'm very concerned. This should never make any movie. I don't care if it's a 3 second scene. It's bad enough they have scenes of rape for adult men/women......but to have a child...even suggest the child has been raped.....is upsetting. Let's have some stalker action, like in " the Hitcher" or kids movies like " Happy Feet". Stop trying to make money off sick and perverted ideas. What is YOUR opinion?
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Crazy people are scary!
This will be part II of my horrible neighbor story. Then I'll try and dig up a pervert for you for tomorrow ( Thursday's pervert of the week). As the story goes on........Lynn and Mike were definately having problems. You'd ask Lynn when she was due (her baby) and she'd reply....."soon". Once she had the baby, it was a girl. She swore to her husband Mike that this was not her child. She became mentally unglued. I tried to chat with her on several occasions, only to be ignored. Mike filled me in on what was the beginning of a bizarre incident. It seems Lynn felt Mike was spending too much time at the firehouse, and that he was cheating. He said he wasn't, and I believe him. He had Lynn see a psychiatrist. I don't know if it did any good at that time, but a few weeks later, all hell broke loose. Tune in tomorrow to find out what happens when you don't sleep with one eye open. I watched Oprah last week and she had a show about families with children out of control. How can she even make a comment, she's never been a parent. word of advice. sit there and be quiet Ms. Oprah. Do another show about selling the clothes out of your closet to charity.....selling them to your staff, and how you hate to get rid of any of those beautiful clothes. blah blah. Have a great day!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Who is Tucker Carlson?
To sum it up........a video store clerk wrote a post about Tucker Carlson, who has a show ( who knew?) on MSNBC. I read the post........It's a little disturbing for him to post...."I won't tell you his address." I don't know why that shakes me up.....but.....I do think the post was meant in humor, but if I were Tucker I would have simply called the store, spoke to the manager and politely asked that Mr. Williamson not blog about my video rentals, or the fact that I come in the store. I, for one, do value privacy. He could have blogged something like.......... Tucker Carlson seen in ________ video store. One time , in a chatroom when i first got AOL, one of my horrible in laws posted my real name on the screen. Everyone wants a little privacy. I do think Tucker went overboard saying Williamson was threatening his family though. But, just like in the Trump/O'Donnell feud, you never know when someone will get upset about something. To read the post, click here Freelance Genius: December 2006 It seems his blog received over 6,000 hits because of this incident. Personally, I think his ego has grown a little large by saying he'll sign copies of The Washington Post, which ran a small article about the incident in the Jan 13th edition. I do feel bad he was fired over the incident. A warning would have been sufficient. Good luck to Mr. Williamson, I'm still reading the blog, but your story is amusing.
Don't let your wife take up Archery.........
Here's a little tease as to what horrible neighbor post I'm going to have today. My old neighbor ( the wife, Lynn) was nuts. Plain and simple. They were a nice couple. I believe they were in their early 30's at the time. They had been married about 5 years, and had a 2 yr old daughter. The husband was a computer tech, and also a volunteer fireman. A nice guy. Sometimes, history repeats itself. As in this story. The wife, we'll call her " Lynn" Lynn's mother had some mental health issues of her own. She wasn't wrapped too tight. The husband, we'll call " Mike". Lynn was pregnant again, and sure she was going to have a boy. The story will continue--tune in--She takes up a hobby--ARCHERY.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Who's Popeye?
Hello everyone. Time for my weekend wrap up. My life is usually the same on the weekends......kids, kids, kids friends, basketball, etc. This past weekend I went to 2 games one day, son #2 lost 1, won 1, then yesterday I went to another game where my 8 yr old's team lost by 1 point. Now that we have snow, he's over the loss. It's time to throw what's now ice-balls and there is a huge pile of wet clothes over by the foyer at my back door. So much for that. Tomorrow is horrible neighbor day, and boy do I have a juicy story for you. I had a neighbor who tried to kill her husband. Details coming. I don't usually post much about being a Mom and how cute kids are....but I've been a Mom for 22 1/2 years....so I have some pretty entertaining stories. Over the weekend, my 22 yr old son ( who's totalled 2 cars already) ran his friends pick-up truck into a ditch. On to the younger one: My 8 yr old said something really cute. I made a casserole last night with penne pasta and spinach. He says, " What's spinach"? my husband replied, " Popeye ate his spinach and got stronger" to which my son didn't miss a beat. He asks " Who's Popeye"? Have a great day!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Pervert a day late.
Sorry I missed Pervert day. I know most of my posts are long and can be dull. I will just skip to the chase. The pervert for the week........another week, but who cares--is my neighbor Billy Bob. The story starts out like this. Names have been changed for god knows what. Billy Bob's daughter Lindy Sue had been staring up at my neighbor across the street (Jack's) window. She saw him undressing, and didn't look away. Her little snotty nosed friends ( I have kids, I know the difference) also looked at the window, which had no curtain, no blinds. They were also watching him. Lindy Sue told her father, the alcoholic Billy Bob about it. Guess what he did? a few nights later, he decided to watch himself, to make sure Lindy Sue wasn't making it up. Sure enough, my skinny, unattractive neighbor Jack was undressing in front of the window. What did Billy Bob do next? told my husband a week or so later. I was appalled. Why hadn't anyone gone to Jack to tell him that 16 yr old kids were watching him undress? end of the story is.....Billy Bob lacks sophistication, manners, etiquette. But I dont. I told poor Jack, and he was quite embarrassed. I tried to break it to him the best I could. How do you tell a man that the neighborhood kids are watching him strip for free? Story is over, but that's just the beginning of Billy Bob and his horrible children. I don't know what I'll make Friday. maybe Hot Stud day and try to post pictures again. Have a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
What would you do for a Wii?
It happens once in a while, but radio stunts or just stunts period go badly. For a gift I could have bought that poor California woman, a woman actually died trying to win her children a Wii ( nintendo game console). I'm saddened and shocked because this woman had no idea she could die from participating in a stunt such as this. I hope the DJ's are held partially responsible for this. And I also say.....shame on the radio station. What do YOU think? Today is Thursday, pervert of the week day. I know that very few will read my blog, but I'm going to try to find a pervert for every Thursday. I'm sorry it can't be me, but I'm going to name my hillbilly neighbor Billy Bob pervert of the week, even though his perverseness happened some time ago. I'll post later. For more on the stunt at the radio station......here's the link. Top News- Police Probe Death After Radio Contest - AOL News
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A state legislator, Frank Hargrove made some racy comments on a measure where a certain state would apologize for slavery. My thoughts are.....let's all give a country wide apology and try to move on. I am all for equal rights for all the races. I think the man is just older, and probably tired of hearing about the woes in regards to slavery. It was a dark time in history, and we have to remember.........WE didn't start slavery. No one living is personally responsible. I think we all need to move on.......I'm not saying forget, but just try to live our lives the best we can. So many times these days, racial discrimination is mentioned. I hope no one uses that as a crutch. Can't we all get along? to read more about Hargrove...........Top News- Lawmaker Under Fire for Slavery Comment - AOL News The Irish were slaves. Look what happened to the poor Jewish people. We've all been wounded in some way or another, but we need to get past it.....and treat others as we want to be treated. Speaking of racism, I watched American History X today and I cried about 5 times. It's a very moving movie, please 16 and older. It would tramatize younger viewers. I'm against hate myself, and I do believe it starts in the home. If more young people learned how to express themselves the right way, and work out their problems instead of solving their problems with violence, the world would be a better place. So many young men and women are like the character in this movie. Young, angry, blaming everyone else for their problems. It's up to their parents, teachers, mentors, but mostly parents to teach them how to be responsible adults later in life. It's tragic how people grab and gun so quickly, and try to solve their problems. It's a deep subject. I highly recommend this movie. Have a great hump day.
Exercise........the safe way
There was a woman who was blogging about safety and exercise. How safe are we when we jog around our neighborhood? If you have to ask........I have 3 words for you. GET A TREADMILL. This is the second post today, and it's from my more masculine side. I just hate ppl whining. I know there is crime......yes....but....my sister went out and bought a treadmill. If you have to ask about how safe you really are.....it's a good suggestion. or..join a gym.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Horrible neighbor day!
Well, it's that time again.....horrible neighbor day! If you'd ever like to rant about your neighbors......comment all you like. I've always hated nosey neighbors.....now if you read my stories you might think..well, she's nosey too. There is a difference between noticing what's going on as you go about your LIFE, and watching someone for most of the day. My redneck, white trash neighbor BillyBob lives in a rental house across the street and one house up from mine. BillyBob can afford to live here because he lives in a small duplex that is about 100 years old and it's an affordable 1300$ a month. I'm hoping the owners realize that property values have gone up, and she can get more than 1300 a month for her small 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 small attic bedroom. BillyBob was working with his stepson. A few weeks ago, my neighbor directly across the street hired him to paint his house. He still isn't done. Well, having BillyBob across the street is painful. He's staring every time I go out, and when i walked down to the mailbox, he yells " Ma'am the mailman hasn't come yet" Gee thanks BillyBob, now mind your own business. One would think I'd like being watched, but he's no Brad Pitt. He's 51, an alcoholic, and is very unattractive. If you have a horrible neighbor, you are not alone. I have a question. Why is that the feminine singer " Prince" can't make it to the Golden Globes on time like everyone else. What the hell was HE doing? to see more of my rants about my neighbor, come back each Tuesday. For anyone new to my silly blog, I'll repeat some of the more funnier neighbor posts, such as.........the time BillyBob actually enjoyed watching my male neighbor undress in front of his window. you can't miss it!!!!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Criss Angel is how old?
I had been watching Criss Angel, the magician's, A & E program " the Mindfreak" for quite some time. He is pretty amazing with those feats he does. But looking at all the websites, he's using pictures of himself as a much younger man. Personally, I think he's gotten better looking as he's matured. I'd certainly tap that. I read on one website where he didn't want to use his age. hmmmm. He doesn't want to lose his younger fans. Don't worry Criss, my teenage son and older son still like you and think your tricks are awesome. But I must say, the women who are over 35 will probably still think you are hot. How old is Criss? he's 39,and will turn the big 4 0 Dec. 19th. One thing I can advise men on.....trust me.....men usually age better than women. I'm 42, and believe me I'm starting to look more my age. Not that it's a bad thing, ppl have told me I could pass for 36, but.......some men.....like Keanu Reeves, Michael Douglass ( not now, 15 years ago), Sylvester Stallone ( up to 10 years ago), look better as they age. But for many rock stars, and performers, such as Criss Angel, I do believe they want to keep their age a secret. Secret's out, but you still look good Criss. Check him out. Criss Angel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tomorrow is horrible neighbor day, I have much to report since my redneck neighbor Billy Bob is now working on my neighbor across the street's delapidated house. tune in tomorrow .........
Friday, January 12, 2007
Rocky 8: Geezers go 3 rounds at Retirement home
I saw Rocky Balboa, finally. The script could have been better. Rocky is showing his age. He does look good for 60, i'll have to admit. But--I still don't want to see him take his shirt off. How many more Rocky's can we endure? to say that Stallone has had a mid-life crisis is not accurate. He's beyond mid-life. He's almost a senior citizen. I did enjoy Rocky I and II. Stallone did prove he can still get in shape, but.. I have to wonder if he really liked what he saw on camera. Now when he was in the hotel room with his jeans and shirt on..he's still in great shape. And the love interest? the plain girl raising her son? come on, Rocky. You can do better than that. Why not give him a classy model to dote on? I know it's too late now, but I missed Adrian in this film. Paulie was a plus, but he's getting old and senile looking. I asked my teenage son which actor he thought could pull off a has-been boxer fighting a younger man. he said Wesley Snipes. Have a great weekend all!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Oh that greasy pizza!
well, number 1. I didn't get a chance to see Rocky Balboa. Too busy, didn't get a chance to sneak away. Well, i see on Friday, Oprah is having her friend Gayle tell us where the best pizza in America is. Gayle? she's so skinny, and barely eats enough to keep my 8 yr old alive. Why can't Oprah tell us? Could it be that Miss Winfrey would gain approximately 35 lbs going around the country sampling pizza? And who is she kidding? She and Gayle went on a road trip and i'm sure that's where this pizza eating took place. Has Oprah blown up again? Maybe that's why. they use different camera's on her and make her look thinner. I'd like to know where the least greasiest pizza is also. but not from a woman who has to rent a shadow................ Have a great Tuesday! Today is horrible neighbor day. i'll see what i can come up with!
Monday, January 08, 2007
Yo! Adrian..........
How old is too old to play certain roles? Today, I'm finally going to see Rocky Balboa. I know, it's been out a while, but i'm always busy. I'm a real movie buff, but I always have a hard time expressing my reviews. I need to revamp my vocabulary. I've met a few people in my day who can type out a mean movie review. My sister wants to go see Dream Girls and that Writers movie........I can't remember. oh. Freedom Writers. I just can't seem to get into those two movies. I want to be entertained. I want horror, action, comedy. I've seen too many movies where a teacher, woman, etc..... inspires a group of youth, I'm sure it's a wonderful movie, but I just can't sit through that at this time. I'm falling asleep already. Can Sylvester Stallone pull off another Rocky movie? we'll see. Have a great Monday--it's cloudy as hell here.
Friday, January 05, 2007
I think I need some pens!
Who says it's a drag to go to Staples? This morning I went and there was a very cute guy working there. He asked if I needed help. Hell, I should have said yes. What a way to start the day. btw that old truck is STILL here. The city put an orange sticker and a ticket underneath the windshield wiper. I hate bums,, drifters, who do they think they are coming into my neighborhood dropping off their broken down cars? hmmmmm. Have a great weekend.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Happy New Year!
I've been so busy I have not had time to blog. Hope everyone had a very Merry Xmas and a happy new year! Today isn't horrible neighbor day, but i've got a story for YOU! Over the weekend, at the end of 2006, my jackass neighbor " Joe" had started to fix the dilapidated house he is taking care of. he's a "caretaker", does a lousy job, but someone has to do it. Anyway, he pays no rent. The city is pretty strict on housing falling down, so the owner had been getting notices. Joe has to fix up the house. Joe is a wanna-be carpenter. On Saturday ( i think) a strange drifter came by in an old, wagoneer. I only noticed because i was leaving to do some grocery shopping. My husband noticed the out of state plates, and immediately called him a " drifter". Long story shortened, the drifter's truck broke down, and he parked it outside my next door neighbors property on the street, visible to my home. Come to find out, the drifter had dogs in that vehicle........now we know 3 adult dogs, (1 purebred pitbull, 2 boxers) and 8 puppies in the back. I blame my neighbor Joe mostly for telling him to park there. Some of the neighbors were upset about the dogs-so I know animal control would be called. sure enough, yesterday they were. But not just for the puppies. It seems the drifter let his two adult dogs out of his vehicle to roam our neighborhood. Thank god my dog didn't see them......he's behind a fence, but i could imagine a barking fest starting. My poor neighbor two houses down was trying to get into his truck to go to work, and the dogs were barking and growling at him--so he called animal control. Animal control came, took the two dogs and was pretty upset about the adult female with her puppies, not to mention the drifters tags were dead. See what neighbors get you into? The drifter bought a used van yesterday, took the adult dog/puppies and went to the pound to retrieve his 2 dogs. He says he'll have someone tow the old broken down truck, but i'm not holding my breath. we'll probably have to call the city today or tomorrow. And i thought Billy Bob was bad ! Have a wonderful day today!
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