Monday, October 15, 2007

Monavie AGAIN Try it for yourself!

I knew I'd have Monavie fans posting to my blog, and I welcome them. If you want to try Monavie--go ahead. I'm not going to buy $200.00 worth of Monavie. I have lived a healthy lifestyle, I don't drink, I don't do drugs, and I do eat plenty of vegetables. If you think that 4 oz. of Monavie will replace eating fruits and vegetables, that is just silly. I want to respond to Danny's comment. We are exactly the same age, so we've both had quite a few years of life experience. I went to the Monavie websites, and read the comments. Quite a few people said they noticed a difference right away with Monavie. I wanted to try it for myself, and i did. Of course you want me to buy more Monavie and keep spending $40 a bottle. That's how the Monavie sales reps start to make money. But in order to even start to make money, you have to recruit 6 or more people to sell Monavie. I'm not going to sell a product that didn't have any effect on me. It made me tired in the morning after a drank the 2 oz. Twice within the six days, I had a headache after drinking Monavie. Bottom line--it's not for everyone. There is no miracle drink. Monavie is an expensive drink, plain and simple. As far as Monavie doing amazing things, You cannot believe everything you hear. I would have to live with a person and watch them drink the monavie to believe it actually helped them. The Monavie team wants to make money. What better way than someone saying......... I was in a car accident a year ago, and had a sprained back. I'm on disability, and now after drinking Monavie for 3 months, my back feels better. I'm sorry, but i'm not that gullible. Danny asked how much fruit I throw away. Answer: none. I eat all my apples, oranges, blueberries, strawberries. I feel that even if I invested $200.00 in Monavie, it would not improve my quality of life. I think that perhaps Monavie helps those who are sick. Just a little. Maybe enough for them to notice, but my husband (47) and I (43) are both healthy adults. It made no difference in either of us. My husband complained of being tired after the morning dosage also. It's not about being negative, its about being truthful. It's about time someone told the truth. Bottom line: Monavie is expensive at $40 a bottle. It's like a thick grape juice. a little tangy. My husband did not care for the taste. Good luck selling the Monavie, but I just don't think its anything more than a bunch of fruits mixed up in a bottle and it's overpriced. I read what Danny wrote about cancer cells. Are you kidding me? Are the monavie people actually telling everyone that we could all have cancer cells in our body? Shame on anyone who tells that lie. If someone does have cancer, Monavie will not CURE it. They will more than likely have to go through chemotherapy, and shame on you for making them have false hopes. Stay positive about life, eat your fruits and vegetables, exercise, and don't believe everything you read. I've made it this far, and I want to be honest about my Monavie experience. Have a great week everyone!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Try a bottle of Monavie for YOURSELF

It's the magical elixer. It will make you stronger, have more of a sex drive...blah blah. I DID try a bottle of Monavie ( $40, if i bought it). I felt nothing. It did make me tired, which isn't good 1st thing in the morning. My husband and I tried a bottle each. We drank 2 oz in the morning, 2 oz at night. I'm not going to keep buying Monavie, and hope that after i spend 200 dollars, it will finally start working. No. to the anonymous commenter there IS no price on health. Eat right, eat fruits and vegetables, which i do. A power walk and a bottle of water will do better than Monavie. It's a great drink, but just too expensive. Monavie makes many claims, and has so many ppl backing them up, but after YOU try it.......just see how you feel. When i tasted it, it was like tangy grape juice that was heavy. Do your research on the ingredients, and you will find that one of the ingredients is not recommended for pregnant women and infants. It also has shellfish in it, so if you have a seafood allergy -- it's not for you. If you are selling Monavie--Good luck. you are going to need it. For those of you saying that Monavie helps cancer patients.....let them try it , and see. I know a person who drinks Monavie, and has for 4 months, and still has the same knee pain, back pain, because he just complained about it the other day. Orange juice costs 3.99. stick to that. Amen

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Real Wedding crasher

Trashy people are everywhere! Even in Idaho! A very shady lady and her daughter crashed an Acquaintances wedding. She stole gift cards and possibly gifts. She was not invited, but ate the food, socialized, and even cut the cake BEFORE the bride and groom. I say......put this woman in jail. Hopefully, someone in her family who is sane can raise her children. Shame on this woman! She is worse than my old- redneck-white trash neighbor. ! Click on this link for details. Wednesday is horrible neighbor day. My horrible neighbor is gone-but will I get another one soon? I will post a horrible neighbor story later. Do YOU have a horrible neighbor? You are not alone.
Who invited her? - AOL Video Click this link to see a real wedding crasher.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Mona Vie still drinking......

This is day 4 for my husband and I taking Mona vie. Mona vie is a fruit drink that is supposed to give you energy, and give you better over all health. I can honestly say it has a bitter taste, and I am not seeing any improvements in my general health. I do feel tired after I drink Mona vie, probably because it has so many fruits in it. It feels heavy and a little syrupy. You'd have to taste it for yourself, but it's an expensive drink. At 40 dollars a bottle, each bottle ( while drinking 2 oz a day 2 x a day) only lasts 6 days. You'd need 5 bottles a month. That's 200.00 a month. I can buy Grape juice or orange juice for 3.99 a bottle. I am the type of person who eats fruit anyway, so this is just a double-dose of fruit for me. I will let you know after day 6 how I feel, but so far, I'm the same. Billy bob has come back to cut the neighbors grass. I don't think he/commonlaw wife put in a change of address because the lady is still coming to dig through the mailbox. They've moved, but they still hang around on occasion. I'll just have to ignore them next time. Fall will be here, and no need to cut grass. Have a great Monday!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Mona vie a scam?

I have not posted in a while, but I'd like to discuss Mona vie. It's a healthy drink that has 19 different fruits in it. I have researched this drink, and have found both pro's/cons. I do not want to become a distributor because I just don't have the time, but one of my husband's friends gave us 2 bottles. I will let you know my progress. First of all, I have been losing weight, I do exercise, and I do eat plenty of fruits. I don't know if it will have much effect on me, but I'm willing to try. I do believe that very few ppl make much money selling Mona vie. My husband's friend--I'll call him Phil. Phil has invested 1000.00 in Mona vie. You can buy Mona vie on Ebay cheaper than he sells it for. My first impression was......most people don't have healthy diets. Instead of eating fruits, they can just drink 2 oz. of mona vie 2 X a day. We'll see if it does any good for me. I just started drinking it last night. So far, the taste is bitter, and after last night's dosage, I had a headache. You can see it on Ebay........
Mona vie, Dietary Supplements, Nutrition, Weight Management items on

Phil has to sign up as many ppl ( friends,family) as he can to be distributors. Phil is overweight, and has many problems with joints, bones. I've heard he has lost no weight, and nothing seems to have changed, but after hearing how much money you COULD make ( could, not can) he wants to try it.

I'm going to give it a try. I'll be impartial. Billy Bob finally moved out of his house. His landlady gave him a month to paint the entire house, and install carpet throughout. He did a lousy job on the carpet ( I saw) and fair job on paint. The neighbors and I thought he dragged the job out because it gave him a free place to stay. He hadn't paid rent since July. He lived there in August free, and the first week of September. He's been back a few times because he cuts the neighbors lawn up the street. The neighborhood is so much quieter, and we're all happier.

Have a great weekend! Don't become a Mona vie distributer without research!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

the LUCK he has!

First of all, I have not blogged in weeks! Kids are back in school, and my white trash neighbor Billy Bob has really been up to something! He's gotten 2 months free rent from his idiot landlady. First let me update you. This out of work alcoholic sent his kids away, his wife left him ( again) and he's doing some work on the house he is now living free! We'll never be rid of that jack-ass. Do YOU have a horrible neighbor like mine? I know it could be worse, but now the guy has some homeless man living with him. Calgon take me away!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

We may be losing trashy neighbor!

Who knows if we will or not. This lush makes up so many stories he makes Pinnochio look innocent. He's having a yard sale. What he'd have anyone would want to buy is beyond me. I overheard him yelling at someone about not bringing a certain item for him to sell. He's hardcore! Begging his friends to bring their junk to sell. Here's another site to check out. WHY I HATE MY NEIGHBOUR My neighbor is still out of work, and obviously out of money. Do YOU have horrible neighbors? post your rant here. Have a wonderful Sunday, watch Big Brother tonight at 8 p.m. on Channel 9. I missed episode I, my Tivo for some strange reason did NOT record it. Toodles!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Never got the chance to sell...............

This is a true story. It happened within 10 miles of my home. A realtor got a call one day about showing a house in Bowie, Md. He left his wife and two small children. And never returned. This was a Thursday. That same day, a few hours later, his burned car was found within 3 miles of the home he was showing. The next day, the Builder found his body in the home's basement. He had been shot several times in the upper body. What happened to this poor man? I am hoping the police find his killer/killers. Would someone be so desperate as to meet a real estate agent at a home to rob him/her. His wallet was missing. But, much money do you think he had in it? The house was listed on the market at approx. 480,000. This happened in a quiet neighborhood. I don't think you are safe anywhere, anymore. I didn't know being a realtor was so dangerous. Have a great hump day! Billy Bob update...............he told us he had a job Sunday. We didnt' see him Monday, but yesterday he was home again. I wonder if he was fired?!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Just when you thought it was safe..........

A girl scout camping in the Pochonos in Pennsylvania was pulled out of her tent by a bear! The bear grabbed her sleeping bag....but it was scary enough. I was a Girl scout, but thankfully that didn't happen to me. Have a great weekend all! link: Bear Pulls Girl Scout Out of Bed - AOL Video

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Billy Bob update!

Billy Bob, my redneck, alcoholic, out of work neighbor has been out of work for 6 months now. Word is....things aren't going well. His two teenage daughters are complaining about not having any money. Billy Bob won't get a job, and sits on his porch all day, watching the neighbors go by. It's like a boring soap opera. Will Billy Bob ever get a job? Will his wife be able to afford to keep their rental home? Tune in next week................. Someone should have told Billy Bob it takes hard work to make it. ! Did you hear that spoiled brat Paris Hilton is out of jail? How long was she in for? 3 days? What do you bet one of her friends told her she should freak out and pretend she's going crazy? Why can't they just put her in a mental institution for the rest of her sentence? Have a great Thursday!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Young girl Lohan in trouble again

If she comes out of a club, at 20 yrs old, drunk--that club should be shut down. Someone tell Lindsay Lohan's Dad that we really don't care about her........and care less about him. He sounds like a horrible Dad, spending time in jail, and having his own demons with drugs and alcohol. Kids will be kids, and a lot of these young stars take their money and buy drugs with it. It's sad to see, but she just doesn't have a good head on her shoulders. What a role model Ms. Lohan is. I could care less about her, and I hope she realizes how foolish she looks. Years from now, she'll be showing her own children--look how stupid Mommy was. If you want to sneak and drink alcohol Lindsey--why not do it at home? Where you won't have to drive anywhere. Lindsey needs to take a big chunk of her money and go to a long stint at Rehab. Save yourself girl, this is the only the beginning of your trouble if you dont. Have a great Thursday and don't drink and drive!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pssssssssst! You have a run..........

How embarrassing. You go to a graduation party, wearing your black dress w/ lace, and black stockings. I was walking to the bus stop to pick up my son and saw this woman.................and on her black hose was a huge run! All I could think of....was how embarrassing and that run is going to SPREAD! I remember years ago I would take clear nail polish with me. The last formal event I went to was my nephew's wedding, and I did wear black stockings and everything turned out o.k. For anyone graduating Happy Graduation!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

All this over a pair of pants

This article really ticked me off. First of all, this is a judge who is creating a frivolous lawsuit. Okay, so the cleaners said same day service. Perhaps cleaners should not guarantee same day service. When they misplaced the judge's pair of pants, that was a problem. They should have just not charged him, which I don't think he paid anyway. To sue for millions over lost pants is ridiculous. This judge should either drop the case or step down. I would have no respect for him. What do YOU think? Top News- Judge Sues Cleaner for $65 Million Over Pants - AOL News horrible neighbor story coming tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Give Alec a break!

While I dont' agree with what Alec Baldwin said on the voicemail to his daughter--WHY was this made public? I've been a mother for 23 years and I can tell you I've said plenty of embarrassing things to my children I wish I could take back. To me, it seems like Alec is frustrated his daughter doesn't pick up her cell phone. He went about it the wrong way, and didn't express himself properly--but you can hear his frustration. All you Moms/Dad's who have had kids for more than 18 years can all relate. These days kids have their cell phones growing out of their ears. I will say one thing-- Kim Basinger needs to try and help her daughter/Alec have a better relationship. So many times one parent coerces the child against the other parent. It's just not fair. I shudder to think of my anger outbursts making national television. Eeeeek! Guys-- a good way to keep track of the ladies. I found this one funny. yes, today is horrible neighbor day--I'll post Billy Bob's latest tomorrow. a hint. He had not worked in 4 months. He had an " accident" and may not work again. Here's your link.Watchersweb FunnyFarm

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Boob of the week: Don Imus

I'd like to comment on Don Imus. First of all, his comments were on national Television, not Sirius radio, or XM. Comments are supposed to be censored. While some may find it funny for him to refer to black basketball players as: nappy headed ho's........I do not. Shame on you Don Imus. And when he was with the controversial Al Sharpton, why did he keep bringing up the fact he has black children at his camp, and is raising money for sickle-cell anemia research? The issue at hand you old fossil is why must you refer to the basketball players as ho's? or refer to their hair? You are an old, dustball of a man and your hair isn't pretty. Don Imus can dish it out...but he can't take it. Who cares if he doesn't get fired from radio? No one is listening anyway.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Put down that cookie and Drive

On this blog, you'll read plenty of rants. If YOU have a rant, just post the reply here. A few days ago I was driving to 7-Eleven. the parking lot was full ( as usual ), and I waited for an SUV to pull out of a space. The woman backed up slowly, then very, very slowly pulled off. I wondered why she was moving so slow, and I saw what was in her hand. a COOKIE. put your food down and drive! ---Today is Tuesday, horrible neighbor day. My neighbor hasn't been as annoying lately. He's still jobless, which is not my concern, but did you ever notice all the white trash families invite relatives who come to live with them in their tiny 2 bedroom/attic homes with only 1 bathroom and never leave? They must be like sardines in that house. The house is really small, one small LR no formal dining room, small kitchen w/ small space for a table. 2 bedrooms and 1 attic. 1 bathroom for all 6 ppl. no basement, just a cellar with a dirt floor. Those relatives have been their since October of 05. They have sold their home, and as Billy Bob puts it " are waiting to buy a double-wide". How many ppl can you fit into a small home? I'll say one thing--the house is clean as my crazy neighbor has told me ( the naked 59 yr old across the street) he's a crazy exhibitionist who doesn't have blinds or curtains for his bedroom. Imagine the grocery bills! I think the relatives must be chipping in, because Billy Bob hasn't worked in 4 months. he's waiting for the perfect job for a man-with-no liscense-no car-alcoholic and a know-it-all. He's not even a good painter. It took him about 6 weeks to paint my neighbors average size home. He only did the front/sides/trim. and he had HELP. Not everyone can paint. I asked one of the painters who works for us how long it should take. He said about 2 weeks. With bad weather, approx 3. but no more. Sad thing is--at the beginning my neighbor was paying him by the hour, until he found out some sunny days Billy Bob wasn't even showing up for work. I am in and out most days, and on perfectly nice days, Billy Bob would show up at 10, and be gone by 2. No wonder he hasn't found a job yet. Have a great week!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Unemployed and half naked!

Today is Thursday--I know--Pervert of the week day--I'll get to the pervert later in the post. Yesterday, my unemployed-redneck-alcoholic neighbor was outside on his front porch with NO shirt on. Eeeeeek! I know-if I don't like it, don't look. too late. I was going to my car to run an errand, and there he was. All 150 lbs of him. He's built like a 12 yr old boy. Why couldn't I live next to a Brad Pitt lookalike? Anyway, if you've got horrible neighbor stories--I've got some too. Pervert of the week is none other than my neighbor across the street, I'll call him " Jim" Jim is 59, single, no children. Jim is the caretaker of a very old house that's been sitting across the street for about 7 years now. We've never seen Jim with a woman, and the only friends we've seen him with are usually other single, older men or some my own age. I heard from our neighbor a few blocks away that he hit on her. YES, propositioned her. She's about 71. Now Jim doesn't seem 59, he's much spry er and wiry. This neighbor is older and frail. She said he told her he's fixing up the house, she should come live with him. He said he needs a " girlfriend". We're keeping our eye on Jim. Something tells me he's missing a few cards from his deck. Have a wonderful day all!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

He wants a drink dammit!

It's seems in Chicago, an off duty police officer got violent when a bartender cut him off from alcohol. Damn, those drunks can be nasty. How do you know you have a problem with alcohol? You beat up a female bartender half your size. This guy needs Alcoholic Anonymous & a stint in rehab. It's not funny for the bartender but this guy wins the Ass of the week award. Congrats Anthony Abbate! Top News- Camera Catches Officer Beating Bartender - AOL News

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Today is horrible neighbor day!

Do YOU have a horrible neighbor story? Feel free to unload here. My white trash alcoholic redneck neighbor is out of work and very annoying. Last week, his next door neighbor, I'll call her " Sally" had her roof replaced. Well, Billy Bob was angry because he thought he'd be the one to replace it. ( even though he's not liscensed and isn't a roofer) Billy Bob thinks he can do everything.......painting, plumbing, tree cutting, roofing, you name it. Although his latest job was working with family, painting. During the time the roofers were at Sally's home, Billy Bob was always hanging around, sitting on his porch, muttering and complaining. He would criticize what the roofers were doing, they didn't do this right or that right. Sometimes, Sally said the roofers would hear him. By the time Monday rolled around, the roofers had realized Billy Bob didn't have a job. He actually asked the owner for a job! The next day he even confessed he had been pulled over for 3 DWI's in his past. Talk about career suicide. The poor roofers were so annoyed by him when they came back to do the last finishing touches, that one roofer asked him, " Why aren't YOU at work today?" Poor Billy Bob. He doesnt' have much going for him. At times, I feel sorry for him. But , then i realize how far my neighbors and my family have come over the 12 years we've been here. A lot of the families started small businesses, made improvements, and it's really a nice neighborhood. Billy Bob has led a hard life of drinking and dead end jobs. The neighborhood is diverse, which we like. It's hard to live in a development with all the rules, and things are a little more lax here. There are several different kinds of houses. Billy bob lives in an old duplex. It's a 2 bedroom/attic. He's a renter. Now please, dont' think all renters are this bad. we know plenty who are decent ppl. Long story short, Billy Bob now hangs around watching us go to work, sports, begging for a job, but None of my neighbors will hire him. The roofer's exact words were, " I just can't have someone like that working for me". Good luck to Billy Bob, maybe he'll find West Virginia more appealing.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Those pesky neighbors!

As anyone who reads my blog would know, I have a redneck, out of work ( new topic) neighbor who drives us crazy. I have lived in 5 different places, and usually have at least 1 crazy neighbor. Here's another site to check out.WHY I HATE MY NEIGHBOUR Good reading! If you live in the country or in the city in an apartment building, you have to put up with neighbors. I have several lovely neighbors. BUT-there is one pain in the ass that's been here for 2 years and is now unemployed. He worked with family, and I suppose they are now fed up with him. Did I mention he drinks? Is a busybody? His next door neighbor ( lovely 55 yr old woman, I'll call Sally) Sally is fed up with him. She was outside last week during our warm spell doing yard work. As Sally was trimming her bushes, BillyBob comes out and says, " I have better clippers than that". Poor Sally just shakes her head, and informs him she has 2 pairs, and thank you. If you think you can ignore this kind of neighbor--good luck. He watches ppl come and go during the day, adding his comments. His latest annoying thing to do is to go around asking every neighbor if he can paint their house. We already told him my hubby does the painting, but he's asked 3 times. I suppose his wife ( who works) is getting on him about finding another job. Personally, I hope he's out of here before summer. Do YOU have a horrible neighbor? post a comment. Tomorrow is horrible neighbor day, and I have yet another story about our out of work-redneck renter. Have a great day!

Friday, March 09, 2007

War over COFFEE?

This morning at my local 7-eleven, I felt as if i had to battle for my coffee. Several men ( riding in the same truck) came in before me, and crowded around the coffee machine. As I stepped up, two pots were brewing. Man X and his wife come up, and Man X picks up the brewing coffee, and pours his coffee, then he burned himself while putting it back. KARMA. As I'm waiting for the coffee to finish brewing, I see cream spilt, sugar packets scattered everywhere--some people are just pigs!

I read on AOL's front page Newt Gingrich had an affair. Does anyone care? I'm not so surprised he had an affair but what i want to know is Who would sleep with the old, homely man????????? Put HER picture on the AOL front page. I mean if you are going to sleep with a married man, at least let it be someone who looks like Richard Gere 10 years ago. ! Have a great weekend!Top News- Gingrich Admits Affair During Clinton Probe - AOL News

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Don't try this at home

Yet another dumbass tries a " Jackass" stunt. A 20 yr old drunk young man had someone set his genitals on fire. I suppose he'll have a scar to remind him how stupid he was. It's Thursday, and I missed horrible neighbor day. My neighbor BillyBob is now jobless. This wouldn't be a problem for my husband unless Billy Bob didn't come over to our driveway to complain about not having any money. While I am sympathetic to ppl who have money problems, we've had them ourselves--Billy Bob seems too lazy to go out and get a job. He's been jobless since January. He complained to my husband he barely had enough to cover his rent. I will be so glad when BillyBob finds another place to live. My husband said he was hinting around again at possibly working with my husband. Billy Bob is too old, an alcoholic, and is just too slow and wouldn't work well with hubby's company. We've worked hard to rid ourselves of negative ppl, but I suppose they just end up showing up around us. I say to Billy Bob or anyone else finding themselves unemployed--get up, get dressed, and look for a job. Billy Bob was quite comfortable working for his wife's grown son for many, at age 50 he needs to suck it up and look for a job like the rest of us did. Yesterday, when we had alittle dusting of snow, BillyBob was out sweeping his neighbor's walk. I say he should be out pounding the pavement for a job. Here's the link to the jackass drunken young man Strange but True- Man Burns Genitals in 'Jackass' Copy Stunt - AOL News

Monday, March 05, 2007

Stop blubbering Howard K.

o.k. time to weigh in on Howard K. Stern. There are rumors that he not only isn't the father of her baby, but that he and Anna Nicole didn't have a romantic relationship. I say he's a big time enabler. I don't know how long I could put up with someone destroying themselves as Anna did. It seems Anna Nicole died of a drug overdose. She probably had a lot of emotional problems. Perhaps she needed to be committed. Did she do drugs while pregnant? I watched her reality show and she seemed out of it most of the time. She had the money to go into rehab. Howard K. should have insisted. And, I'm well aware that you can't make someone go into rehab. What about her daughter? Social services should have stepped in. Rehab or lose custody. In the times she was in public, giving statements, she was clearly not sober. There was something wrong, and it's almost as if everyone chose to ignore it. I hope they do a paternity test soon to find out Dannylynn or however you spell her name 's real father. It's time that the circus is over. To see Howard K blubbering click here........
TV's Top 5! Watch Daily TV Clips and Television Moments - AOL Television Have a great Monday.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Out of control Dad........

Is it assult or just a Dad protecting his little son? Well, I want to weigh in on this. As a mother of 3 boys ( trust me, I've seen rough stuff) I've had my share of ups/downs in sports. I watched the video, and although the boy was being pinned, the ref was going to stop it, and you can raise your voice for it to be stopped, but assulting an 11 yr old boy isn't cool. My son is 8, and a very big boy, but 11 is old enough where you are not a small child anymore. Wrestling is tough, so is football, basketball, but we as parents can't just step in and rescue our kids. If we could, I'd be jumping onto the court to push some very large boys who elbow my son, smack my son, etc. while trying to get the orange basketball. ! bottom line--I'm not a lawyer, but I'd advise the boys parents to press charges to teach this Dad to keep his hands to himself. Have a terrific Wednesday. to view the video--click here Angry Wrestling Dad Attacks Kid What do you think about out of control parents?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Horrible neighbor Tuesday!

Today is horrible neighbor Tuesday. If YOU have any horrible neighbor stories--please post. I have had the unfortunate luck of living next to many horrible neighbors. I once had a neighbor, I'll call her "Freida" who went nuts. She was a pre-menopausal woman whose son had grown up. I still had a son in High school, a son in Elementary, and a 2 yr old. She stayed at home, and had back problems, as did her husband. As time went on, we'd notice their two vehicles almost never left the driveway. She got so bad her husband did the grocery shopping, as I ran into him at our local grocery store. His hair turned gray, and when I saw her, I was shocked. She looked frail and skinny. Some of her neighbors--who lived on her street ( my house faced a different street) thought she may be addicted to painkillers for her back. Soon, they moved. Her neighbor across the street asked my husband some time later--"Where is that crazy woman now?" When he asked, " you mean Freida?" the neighbor said, yes. Then proceeded to tell my husband that he would see her hanging around the driveway when her husband was working on his truck. As soon as she'd see him, she hide behind her fence. He also thought she went crazy. This woman was only about 42 at the time. She called animal control a few times on my dog, and called the police on my neighbor across the street. If only the men in white coats had come for her sooner! Have a great evening.

Monday, February 26, 2007

It's Monday! Blah!

well, it's quiet here at the home front. I'm off work today, and have procrastinated and not gotten much done. I've been slacking off with the neighbor comments, but Billy Bob still is not working. He's not bothering anyone, but he's watching! Does anyone else start shoveling snow before the snow stops? he does. But I suppose if you have nothing else to do...why not? He informed my husband yesterday, " A while back you'd been keeping late hours, coming home late." My husband said matter of factly " He's keeping an eye on the house". I told him, " he's nosey, and keeping an eye on you" It's good to have neighbors that keep watch, but this one is a busybody, and I think he's watching our every move. I'm not paranoid about it, but this dude seriously needs a life. Did anyone watch the Oscars last night? I'm glad The Departed won for best film. If you have not seen it--it's a must see! Lots of action.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Am I hip? Do I care?

I was reading a certain blog, and found it interesting. I'm at the younger end of the baby boomer generation. I don't find myself " saddled" with kids. I just know I'm getting older, and although I love my kids dearly, it's the hardest job you'll ever have. The worst part of my generation, is that I see ppl are giving in more to their kids. Kids at age 11 have cell phones. That's ridiculous. My husband and I bought my son ( then 13 ) a cell phone when he was playing babe Ruth baseball, my husband has all hours of work, and I was taking my older son to work, and youngest son to baseball practices/games. Do I feel hip? hell no. Do I care? no. I've never been one to follow the crowd, and am not going to start now. My best advice to anyone is to be yourself, follow your heart. I can't stand those keeping up with the Jones's. I have relatives like that. Her brother in law buys a new SUV, a few months later, they do. Brother in law buys a new house, a year later, they do. Their dogs even looked the same. Be original. Your individuality is all you have. You know your getting older when you are not hip anymore. I leave that to my two oldest sons ( 22 & 16). Let them be hip. My sister, 38, is hip. She never married, and has no children, and pays attention to what's in/not in. I'm too busy working, taking care of kids, making cupcakes, running my kids around to their sporting events to care. The day you STOP worrying about what everyone else thinks is the day you'll get more peace. The kids finally went back to school today, so I have to get some work done. Have a great Tuesday. Today is horrible neighbor YOU have a horrible neighbor story?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Kids! Ice!

My kids have been off school for 3 days now. Help. Son #2 was giving son #1 a wedgie. The highlight of my day so far is explaining to my 8 yr old what a dinkleberry is. My neighbor has been out of work for quite some time, but he's keeping himself quiet indoors. Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Astronaut needs diaper?

I skimmed over the story of Lisa Nowak's ordeal and realized something. Was she so hell bent to confront her rival that she forgot one thing.... wearing an adult diaper is a good idea, but she didn't think it through. Sitting in a wet diaper for 4 hours isn't good either. She could get diaper rash. ! Personally, it only takes about 15 minutes to stop for gas and grab a bite, she just wasn't thinking rationally. plus- couldn't you just do the yelling over the phone? I want to see a picture of this man that was worth all that. Have a great Thursday--Maybe i'll even find a pervert for pervert of the week...... link to story about the unstable Ms. Nowak Top News- Friend Points Out Astronaut's 'Mental Anguish' - AOL News

Monday, January 29, 2007

Dakota Fanning: weighing in......

o.k. hold on to your boot straps. I'm a mom of 3. My oldest is 22. I can tell you that a child of 12 is not mature enough to know what her " rape scene" will truly mean, or how everyone will perceive it. The adults around her will tell her it's " art". Or, they'll say.....wouldn't it be educational to get the message out there that rape to a 12 yr old is wrong. Don't we already know that? I think it's shocking, absurd, and just plain perverted. As a mother, I'm very concerned. This should never make any movie. I don't care if it's a 3 second scene. It's bad enough they have scenes of rape for adult men/women......but to have a child...even suggest the child has been upsetting. Let's have some stalker action, like in " the Hitcher" or kids movies like " Happy Feet". Stop trying to make money off sick and perverted ideas. What is YOUR opinion?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Crazy people are scary!

This will be part II of my horrible neighbor story. Then I'll try and dig up a pervert for you for tomorrow ( Thursday's pervert of the week). As the story goes on........Lynn and Mike were definately having problems. You'd ask Lynn when she was due (her baby) and she'd reply....."soon". Once she had the baby, it was a girl. She swore to her husband Mike that this was not her child. She became mentally unglued. I tried to chat with her on several occasions, only to be ignored. Mike filled me in on what was the beginning of a bizarre incident. It seems Lynn felt Mike was spending too much time at the firehouse, and that he was cheating. He said he wasn't, and I believe him. He had Lynn see a psychiatrist. I don't know if it did any good at that time, but a few weeks later, all hell broke loose. Tune in tomorrow to find out what happens when you don't sleep with one eye open. I watched Oprah last week and she had a show about families with children out of control. How can she even make a comment, she's never been a parent. word of advice. sit there and be quiet Ms. Oprah. Do another show about selling the clothes out of your closet to charity.....selling them to your staff, and how you hate to get rid of any of those beautiful clothes. blah blah. Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Who is Tucker Carlson?

To sum it up........a video store clerk wrote a post about Tucker Carlson, who has a show ( who knew?) on MSNBC. I read the post........It's a little disturbing for him to post...."I won't tell you his address." I don't know why that shakes me up.....but.....I do think the post was meant in humor, but if I were Tucker I would have simply called the store, spoke to the manager and politely asked that Mr. Williamson not blog about my video rentals, or the fact that I come in the store. I, for one, do value privacy. He could have blogged something like.......... Tucker Carlson seen in ________ video store. One time , in a chatroom when i first got AOL, one of my horrible in laws posted my real name on the screen. Everyone wants a little privacy. I do think Tucker went overboard saying Williamson was threatening his family though. But, just like in the Trump/O'Donnell feud, you never know when someone will get upset about something. To read the post, click here Freelance Genius: December 2006 It seems his blog received over 6,000 hits because of this incident. Personally, I think his ego has grown a little large by saying he'll sign copies of The Washington Post, which ran a small article about the incident in the Jan 13th edition. I do feel bad he was fired over the incident. A warning would have been sufficient. Good luck to Mr. Williamson, I'm still reading the blog, but your story is amusing.

Don't let your wife take up Archery.........

Here's a little tease as to what horrible neighbor post I'm going to have today. My old neighbor ( the wife, Lynn) was nuts. Plain and simple. They were a nice couple. I believe they were in their early 30's at the time. They had been married about 5 years, and had a 2 yr old daughter. The husband was a computer tech, and also a volunteer fireman. A nice guy. Sometimes, history repeats itself. As in this story. The wife, we'll call her " Lynn" Lynn's mother had some mental health issues of her own. She wasn't wrapped too tight. The husband, we'll call " Mike". Lynn was pregnant again, and sure she was going to have a boy. The story will continue--tune in--She takes up a hobby--ARCHERY.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Who's Popeye?

Hello everyone. Time for my weekend wrap up. My life is usually the same on the, kids, kids friends, basketball, etc. This past weekend I went to 2 games one day, son #2 lost 1, won 1, then yesterday I went to another game where my 8 yr old's team lost by 1 point. Now that we have snow, he's over the loss. It's time to throw what's now ice-balls and there is a huge pile of wet clothes over by the foyer at my back door. So much for that. Tomorrow is horrible neighbor day, and boy do I have a juicy story for you. I had a neighbor who tried to kill her husband. Details coming. I don't usually post much about being a Mom and how cute kids are....but I've been a Mom for 22 1/2 I have some pretty entertaining stories. Over the weekend, my 22 yr old son ( who's totalled 2 cars already) ran his friends pick-up truck into a ditch. On to the younger one: My 8 yr old said something really cute. I made a casserole last night with penne pasta and spinach. He says, " What's spinach"? my husband replied, " Popeye ate his spinach and got stronger" to which my son didn't miss a beat. He asks " Who's Popeye"? Have a great day!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Pervert a day late.

Sorry I missed Pervert day. I know most of my posts are long and can be dull. I will just skip to the chase. The pervert for the week........another week, but who cares--is my neighbor Billy Bob. The story starts out like this. Names have been changed for god knows what. Billy Bob's daughter Lindy Sue had been staring up at my neighbor across the street (Jack's) window. She saw him undressing, and didn't look away. Her little snotty nosed friends ( I have kids, I know the difference) also looked at the window, which had no curtain, no blinds. They were also watching him. Lindy Sue told her father, the alcoholic Billy Bob about it. Guess what he did? a few nights later, he decided to watch himself, to make sure Lindy Sue wasn't making it up. Sure enough, my skinny, unattractive neighbor Jack was undressing in front of the window. What did Billy Bob do next? told my husband a week or so later. I was appalled. Why hadn't anyone gone to Jack to tell him that 16 yr old kids were watching him undress? end of the story is.....Billy Bob lacks sophistication, manners, etiquette. But I dont. I told poor Jack, and he was quite embarrassed. I tried to break it to him the best I could. How do you tell a man that the neighborhood kids are watching him strip for free? Story is over, but that's just the beginning of Billy Bob and his horrible children. I don't know what I'll make Friday. maybe Hot Stud day and try to post pictures again. Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

What would you do for a Wii?

It happens once in a while, but radio stunts or just stunts period go badly. For a gift I could have bought that poor California woman, a woman actually died trying to win her children a Wii ( nintendo game console). I'm saddened and shocked because this woman had no idea she could die from participating in a stunt such as this. I hope the DJ's are held partially responsible for this. And I also say.....shame on the radio station. What do YOU think? Today is Thursday, pervert of the week day. I know that very few will read my blog, but I'm going to try to find a pervert for every Thursday. I'm sorry it can't be me, but I'm going to name my hillbilly neighbor Billy Bob pervert of the week, even though his perverseness happened some time ago. I'll post later. For more on the stunt at the radio's the link. Top News- Police Probe Death After Radio Contest - AOL News

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


A state legislator, Frank Hargrove made some racy comments on a measure where a certain state would apologize for slavery. My thoughts are.....let's all give a country wide apology and try to move on. I am all for equal rights for all the races. I think the man is just older, and probably tired of hearing about the woes in regards to slavery. It was a dark time in history, and we have to remember.........WE didn't start slavery. No one living is personally responsible. I think we all need to move on.......I'm not saying forget, but just try to live our lives the best we can. So many times these days, racial discrimination is mentioned. I hope no one uses that as a crutch. Can't we all get along? to read more about Hargrove...........Top News- Lawmaker Under Fire for Slavery Comment - AOL News The Irish were slaves. Look what happened to the poor Jewish people. We've all been wounded in some way or another, but we need to get past it.....and treat others as we want to be treated. Speaking of racism, I watched American History X today and I cried about 5 times. It's a very moving movie, please 16 and older. It would tramatize younger viewers. I'm against hate myself, and I do believe it starts in the home. If more young people learned how to express themselves the right way, and work out their problems instead of solving their problems with violence, the world would be a better place. So many young men and women are like the character in this movie. Young, angry, blaming everyone else for their problems. It's up to their parents, teachers, mentors, but mostly parents to teach them how to be responsible adults later in life. It's tragic how people grab and gun so quickly, and try to solve their problems. It's a deep subject. I highly recommend this movie. Have a great hump day.

Exercise........the safe way

There was a woman who was blogging about safety and exercise. How safe are we when we jog around our neighborhood? If you have to ask........I have 3 words for you. GET A TREADMILL. This is the second post today, and it's from my more masculine side. I just hate ppl whining. I know there is sister went out and bought a treadmill. If you have to ask about how safe you really's a good suggestion. or..join a gym.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Horrible neighbor day!

Well, it's that time again.....horrible neighbor day! If you'd ever like to rant about your neighbors......comment all you like. I've always hated nosey if you read my stories you might think..well, she's nosey too. There is a difference between noticing what's going on as you go about your LIFE, and watching someone for most of the day. My redneck, white trash neighbor BillyBob lives in a rental house across the street and one house up from mine. BillyBob can afford to live here because he lives in a small duplex that is about 100 years old and it's an affordable 1300$ a month. I'm hoping the owners realize that property values have gone up, and she can get more than 1300 a month for her small 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 small attic bedroom. BillyBob was working with his stepson. A few weeks ago, my neighbor directly across the street hired him to paint his house. He still isn't done. Well, having BillyBob across the street is painful. He's staring every time I go out, and when i walked down to the mailbox, he yells " Ma'am the mailman hasn't come yet" Gee thanks BillyBob, now mind your own business. One would think I'd like being watched, but he's no Brad Pitt. He's 51, an alcoholic, and is very unattractive. If you have a horrible neighbor, you are not alone. I have a question. Why is that the feminine singer " Prince" can't make it to the Golden Globes on time like everyone else. What the hell was HE doing? to see more of my rants about my neighbor, come back each Tuesday. For anyone new to my silly blog, I'll repeat some of the more funnier neighbor posts, such as.........the time BillyBob actually enjoyed watching my male neighbor undress in front of his window. you can't miss it!!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Criss Angel is how old?

I had been watching Criss Angel, the magician's, A & E program " the Mindfreak" for quite some time. He is pretty amazing with those feats he does. But looking at all the websites, he's using pictures of himself as a much younger man. Personally, I think he's gotten better looking as he's matured. I'd certainly tap that. I read on one website where he didn't want to use his age. hmmmm. He doesn't want to lose his younger fans. Don't worry Criss, my teenage son and older son still like you and think your tricks are awesome. But I must say, the women who are over 35 will probably still think you are hot. How old is Criss? he's 39,and will turn the big 4 0 Dec. 19th. One thing I can advise men usually age better than women. I'm 42, and believe me I'm starting to look more my age. Not that it's a bad thing, ppl have told me I could pass for 36, but.......some Keanu Reeves, Michael Douglass ( not now, 15 years ago), Sylvester Stallone ( up to 10 years ago), look better as they age. But for many rock stars, and performers, such as Criss Angel, I do believe they want to keep their age a secret. Secret's out, but you still look good Criss. Check him out. Criss Angel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tomorrow is horrible neighbor day, I have much to report since my redneck neighbor Billy Bob is now working on my neighbor across the street's delapidated house. tune in tomorrow .........

Friday, January 12, 2007

Rocky 8: Geezers go 3 rounds at Retirement home

I saw Rocky Balboa, finally. The script could have been better. Rocky is showing his age. He does look good for 60, i'll have to admit. But--I still don't want to see him take his shirt off. How many more Rocky's can we endure? to say that Stallone has had a mid-life crisis is not accurate. He's beyond mid-life. He's almost a senior citizen. I did enjoy Rocky I and II. Stallone did prove he can still get in shape, but.. I have to wonder if he really liked what he saw on camera. Now when he was in the hotel room with his jeans and shirt on..he's still in great shape. And the love interest? the plain girl raising her son? come on, Rocky. You can do better than that. Why not give him a classy model to dote on? I know it's too late now, but I missed Adrian in this film. Paulie was a plus, but he's getting old and senile looking. I asked my teenage son which actor he thought could pull off a has-been boxer fighting a younger man. he said Wesley Snipes. Have a great weekend all!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Oh that greasy pizza!

well, number 1. I didn't get a chance to see Rocky Balboa. Too busy, didn't get a chance to sneak away. Well, i see on Friday, Oprah is having her friend Gayle tell us where the best pizza in America is. Gayle? she's so skinny, and barely eats enough to keep my 8 yr old alive. Why can't Oprah tell us? Could it be that Miss Winfrey would gain approximately 35 lbs going around the country sampling pizza? And who is she kidding? She and Gayle went on a road trip and i'm sure that's where this pizza eating took place. Has Oprah blown up again? Maybe that's why. they use different camera's on her and make her look thinner. I'd like to know where the least greasiest pizza is also. but not from a woman who has to rent a shadow................ Have a great Tuesday! Today is horrible neighbor day. i'll see what i can come up with!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Yo! Adrian..........

How old is too old to play certain roles? Today, I'm finally going to see Rocky Balboa. I know, it's been out a while, but i'm always busy. I'm a real movie buff, but I always have a hard time expressing my reviews. I need to revamp my vocabulary. I've met a few people in my day who can type out a mean movie review. My sister wants to go see Dream Girls and that Writers movie........I can't remember. oh. Freedom Writers. I just can't seem to get into those two movies. I want to be entertained. I want horror, action, comedy. I've seen too many movies where a teacher, woman, etc..... inspires a group of youth, I'm sure it's a wonderful movie, but I just can't sit through that at this time. I'm falling asleep already. Can Sylvester Stallone pull off another Rocky movie? we'll see. Have a great Monday--it's cloudy as hell here.

Friday, January 05, 2007

I think I need some pens!

Who says it's a drag to go to Staples? This morning I went and there was a very cute guy working there. He asked if I needed help. Hell, I should have said yes. What a way to start the day. btw that old truck is STILL here. The city put an orange sticker and a ticket underneath the windshield wiper. I hate bums,, drifters, who do they think they are coming into my neighborhood dropping off their broken down cars? hmmmmm. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

I've been so busy I have not had time to blog. Hope everyone had a very Merry Xmas and a happy new year! Today isn't horrible neighbor day, but i've got a story for YOU! Over the weekend, at the end of 2006, my jackass neighbor " Joe" had started to fix the dilapidated house he is taking care of. he's a "caretaker", does a lousy job, but someone has to do it. Anyway, he pays no rent. The city is pretty strict on housing falling down, so the owner had been getting notices. Joe has to fix up the house. Joe is a wanna-be carpenter. On Saturday ( i think) a strange drifter came by in an old, wagoneer. I only noticed because i was leaving to do some grocery shopping. My husband noticed the out of state plates, and immediately called him a " drifter". Long story shortened, the drifter's truck broke down, and he parked it outside my next door neighbors property on the street, visible to my home. Come to find out, the drifter had dogs in that we know 3 adult dogs, (1 purebred pitbull, 2 boxers) and 8 puppies in the back. I blame my neighbor Joe mostly for telling him to park there. Some of the neighbors were upset about the dogs-so I know animal control would be called. sure enough, yesterday they were. But not just for the puppies. It seems the drifter let his two adult dogs out of his vehicle to roam our neighborhood. Thank god my dog didn't see them......he's behind a fence, but i could imagine a barking fest starting. My poor neighbor two houses down was trying to get into his truck to go to work, and the dogs were barking and growling at him--so he called animal control. Animal control came, took the two dogs and was pretty upset about the adult female with her puppies, not to mention the drifters tags were dead. See what neighbors get you into? The drifter bought a used van yesterday, took the adult dog/puppies and went to the pound to retrieve his 2 dogs. He says he'll have someone tow the old broken down truck, but i'm not holding my breath. we'll probably have to call the city today or tomorrow. And i thought Billy Bob was bad ! Have a wonderful day today!