Monday, January 30, 2006

A Million little pieces.........

OH, James Frey....what have you done? First of all, you could have written that your book was " based on a true story". Now, I do recommend that ppl read James Frey's A Million little pieces, fiction or not.

I'm wondering.... Is the staff at Hazelton mad at Frey? Because drug and alcohol, gambling, any addiction is serious, and to try and rid yourself of it is serious also. A Drug rehab has to be taken seriously. Drugs and alcohol are powerful, to say the least. My sister was a drug addict/alcoholic. My brother-in-law who is now deceased was an alcoholic. My father in law spent a few years as an alcoholic. My husband's best friend from childhood, who is now deceased, was a drug addict/alcoholic. I have been around several alcoholics all my life. I wanted to read Frey's book to get a sense of what they went through. It is hard to read how he vomits daily, and describes how he can't hold any food down, and is a medical mess. How he almost died before coming to rehab. Addictions are powerful and the fact that he's sober is a great accomplishment.

So, everyone, get off his dick. Maybe the next time he writes a book, if there is any fiction to it......he could simply state based on a true story. some facts have been wildly exaggerated?

News on the Billy Bob front. He lives in a Duplex, and the neighbor next door is trying to rent out his property. On Saturday, my husband told me that Billy Bob took it upon himself to talk to the prospective neighbors. Sheesh. There goes that tenant. ! Have YOU read Frey's book yet?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Are YOU Gay, Bisexual, or Asexual, hetero?

It seems these days no one is totally heterosexual. I have never, nor will I ever ( i'm pretty sure) be with a woman. But when ppl talk about their sexual orientation, it seems muddled.

Woman: I'm a lesbian, but i've been with several men, and last week, my g/f Dorothy and I picked up a guy at a club and he was pretty hot, we both did him.


My question is....when you are going to make a committment.....Who do you chose to be with? Is everyone so open-minded? Because i'm pretty sure if I came home, and my husband was fucking my neighbor John on our couch......I don't think i'd be happy about it. What sexual orientation are YOU? ( btw you can remain anonymous.....just get it off your chest. you are 1/4 gay, but like women. no biggie. !

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What's happening over at the neighbors?

In our diverse neighborhood, we have several older, smaller homes. One such home is directly behind me. From my 2nd floor, and deck, I can see this small 2 bedroom home. Approx. August a mother and her son moved into the home. I have a busy life, so I can't always watch what's going on.....but the woman is a single mother. On most days, her car would be gone when I'd pass her home going to work. But lately, her car is there all the time, and she appears to be home-schooling her 7 yr old. He was in a private school in November, and I know you can't get all the materials together that fast for home schooling.. so I have to wonder what's going on. Does she work at home? Is she on welfare? I don't think she's independently wealthy. I am wondering because my 7 yr old plays with her son. I value family first, and have to look out for the welfare of my son. She appears to never leave her home, and her car's back tag is off and looks like she hasn't moved it in days. I go out almost every day, and we'd probably be hungry after about 4 days if I didn't. But it's like a horror movie. What's going on at the neighbors? She has a large dog which she lets out.......and I've seen a glimpse of her...but it's bizarre. I'm ready to move to my 6-10 acres of land with no fucking neighbors. Have a great hump day.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Help! I blacked out.

This is a quote from Billy Bob. Hello everyone in cyber land. Today is horrible neighbor day. Do you have a horrible neighbor? i sure do. Billy bob had quite the adventure a few weeks ago. His neighbor, my neighbor across the street, we'll call her Miss H, told me that earlier that Friday, she was leaving to go to the grocery store, and saw Billy Bob and his cavewoman wife pull up. Billy Bob was cradling an 18 pack of Budweiser.

No, he can't fork over 110.00 so his son can play sports, but he can keep buying those huge containers of beer. Miss H says, " I didn't know they made containers with that many beers?!" The liquor stores know the Billy Bobs. They need their beer. Anyway, on with the story...........So, by all accounts, approx. 6 p.m. after who knows how many beers, Billy Bob passed out ( blacked out) in his backyard. 911 was called. His hillbilly daughter told me her father was dying. Turns out he's just experiencing one of the symptoms all alcholics face. Blackouts. My brother in law used to get them all the time. ( He's no longer with us). Billy Bob has told my neighbor up the street Mr. R he may be moving to West Virginia. What a good place for him. He'll fit right in with all the other hillbillies. If there is a God in heaven, he'll send that drunkard, his caveman wife, and his two horrible children off to West Virginia. What's YOUR horrible neighbor story?

Monday, January 23, 2006

When she was a little girl..........

Katie Holmes has said, " When i was a little girl ( 4) and saw Tom Cruise movies ( Risky Business came out in around 1983) I thought i want to marry him. ! yes, Katie, and when i was a little girl i wanted to marry Paul Michael Glaser, who is now about 57, and David Cassidy. I wouldn't marry them NOW.

That's the thing about some men. As the tiny tots are watching them,some men seem to gravitate to much younger women, so when that little tot becomes a woman someday, she may marry the man she admired.

I liked Clint Eastwood too, but let's face it...........When a pal and I went to see The Bridges of Madison Clint took off his shirt and 1/2 the audience went Ewwwwwwwwwww.

Then men were muttering " Put that shirt back on". To's great she found her much older man..but when your child is 10 your husband will be ready for AARP. That's the sad part. She'll still be in her prime,and i'm sure they're be some young hottie she'll be interested in. <> Tom should wish for eternal youth. he's going to need it. !

Thursday, January 19, 2006

you lost weight HOW?

Has anyone really looked at Star Jones lately? I think she had gastric bypass surgery. She's not saying. lol

Her face is still full, as if she is heavy. Star took the easy way out, which is fine. But she has to know.......some of us can tell you didn't want to hit the gym baby. Have a wonderful evening!

Take care of the children

I'll get more of the details later, but i believe an NFL player has come out, and admitted he's gay. He was molested at age 11, and contributes that to him being gay.

I would have to agree. There was a Dr. who spoke about that very thing once. He said that if a young boy is molested, by a man, that the young boy can become aroused, therefore he will associate that arousal to men. Later in life, he could possibly discover he's gay. Or maybe think he's gay because of the experience.

Too many people these days classify themselves as Bisexual. Just pick a fucking sex, and get on with it. Do you know how confusing it would be if............ Jeff loved Jane. Jeff married Jane. Jane said she loved men, but after 10 years of marriage, Jane decides she loves Paula. Paula has always been a lesbian, but after being with Jane for 2 years, meets Steve. So now Paula and Steve are together, leaving jane in the dust. Jane meet Emma, and Emma is married to a man. How fucked up. But it happens. are YOU watching American Idol?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Billy Bob & co.

Today is Tuesday. Each Tuesday, i'm going to try to tell you yet another horrible neighbor story.

Billy Bob and his older wife, (48, 52) have 2 teenage children. They are trying to best they can, but it's not good enough in most ppl's eyes. Dr. Phil has written about his terrible children, and the biggest affliction they suffer. not properly socialized.

Dr. Phil writes:

Children who are not properly socialized have problems in the world. Socialization is one of the most important jobs a family has. When the family fails to provide the healthy nurturing children need, the impact on their lives can cheat them out of the chance to be the best person they can be.

Billy Bob and his family have been here in my city for 1 year 3 months. They've had a beating, attempted rape claim, trespassing, loitering, littering, being too noisy, looking into ppl's windows from a distance, and up close, starting a fight, bothering neighbors dogs, throwing rocks at cars, and just being irritating since they moved in. There are very few rules, and they have a mother who is in her 50's, this will be her 2nd family, as she has 3 grown boys, and an alcoholic father. May God watch over this family. Til then, they keep giving me great material, as they are surely the modern day version of the Hatfields,or the typical trailer park family who moved to a small old duplex in the suburbs. The last time we heard from the girl, she told me her father was dying, yet less than 48 hours later i see him on his front porch. ! He has risen.

Golden Globe fashion disasters.

Man oh man. Let's start with Drew Barrymore not wearing a bra! girl, you are sagging baby. And someone tell Melanie Griffin that the tattoo on her arm does not make her look looks like she just came from a trailer park in West Virginia. Money does not buy class. I'd like to be the one who dresses these stars. Tippi Hendren would be rolling in her grave. btw Tippi was the epitomy of class. Too bad she didn't pass it on to her daughter.

Dr. Phil wrote a statement that fits my neighbors. i'll share it with you later today. Have a great day, and if you are a woman with big floppy breasts, wear a fucking bra, please.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Where are my comments? I'm early for horrible neighbor Tuesday.

One of the blogs on my blog roll had 68 comments. 68! I would like 6. Anyway, i'm early on the horrible neighbor story. Do any of you out there have horrible neighbors? i do. They belong in a trailer park, but instead are renting a small house up the block and across the street from me. This family has been a nightmare since day 1. I finally realized their life is about drama. Here's how the scene went last Friday. It was approx. 7:45, and i was taking my 15 yr old to the gym. As we are pulling out of my driveway, an older brat from 2 blocks over has his pick up truck parked directly in front of my house, across the street. He is their friend.( the bratty kids of Billy Bob, whom i write about). Anyway, they nor the kid live in the house in which they were parked in front of. They could have parked a little closer to their own home, but as usual, wanted attention. The older brat says, " my Dad ( Billy Bob) had a heart attack." So, I just say, " i'm sorry. tell him to take care of himself, hope he feels better. ( This is Billy Bob's 3rd attack that i'm aware of. he's 48, and an alcoholic.) We felt sorry for her as she babbled on. " The doctors say he's dying". Well, we go on about our life, as we should, and low and behold on Sunday morning, i'm going out to the store, and I see the near death Billy Bob stepping out on the porch. WOW. did he make a miraculous recovery. I don't want him dead, just to move. Maybe Billy Bob needs a warmer climate. Maybe he needs a sponsor. Tune in soon for more neighbor stories. Who else out there has recovered from their heart attack in less than 48 hours?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

What is trashier?

I was speaking to a friend of mine, single gal, in her late 30's......we'll call her Miss X. She and I were discussing meeting men. Before I got married, I used to meet young men all over the place. She says it's trashy to meet a man at a gas station. I want to know....what's trashier....Meeting a man at a gas station or dating a married man who is not going to leave his wife ( which she does). ?

you decide. And tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. Great man. He is truly missed.

Friday, January 13, 2006

What ever Happened to Whitney Houston?

1. if you post a comment to this blog, please make sure i can post back. I'm like that. I want to express myself to you.......... : )

heido ho. It's Friday. Friday the 13th. I don't believe it's a bad luck day, because my youngest son was born on Friday the 13th.

I was in 7-eleven yesterday and a man, who was about 30....came up to the cashier and I, pointed to a picture of Whitney Houston in the tabloids, and asked: Is THAT Whitney Houston? I replied, " yes. Just watch being Bobby Brown, and you'll see." That woman has gone downhill. She acts like she has no class.

Whitney. Whitney. I'm going to watch " Being Bobby Brown" and give you a play by play.

Do you have your SIRIUS satellite radio yet? Howard is doing pretty well. He had Jessica Hahn on the radio program today,and she was telling women how to give a proper BJ.

How entertaining. She's come a long way from a shy church secretary.

Have YOU watched Being Bobby Brown?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Who set him up THIS time?

former DC mayor and now city councilman Marion Barry tested positive in the fall for cocaine use. Is anyone shocked? Back when he was mayor, he was caught cheating on his wife and smoking either cocaine or crack... this man is chemically dependent. bottom line. he should resign from the council and check himself into rehab. And he needs to spend more than 30 days there. Barry claimed he was set up ( yes, it was a sting, but let's face it....he was the biggest coked out mayor around) One can only feel sorry for all his wives/ex wives and the city of Washington D.C. like the old saying goes..........Councilman Barry is taking care of the cocaine problem in the gram at a time.

He's lucky he's still alive after all the drugs he's probably done. !

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Where's Grandma?

She's dead, but she's upstairs in front of the TV. A true story of a 61 yr old woman who didn't want to be buried. She's been dead since 2003, and they kept her in a room with the A/C on. How morbid. here's the link: AOL News - Woman Dead Since 2003 Left Sitting at TV gives a new meaning to...missing your loved ones. If you have sirius radio, check out Bubba the love sponge, 4 p.m. eastern on Channel Howard 101. Bubba is a bit younger than i am, a redneck, but crude and funny. It's interesting to hear his take on things. wonder what this guy looks like????????

Monday, January 09, 2006

a Chickenpox party?

i always said i'd post about kids. here's one post. A group of ridiculous parents are refusing to give their children the chicken pox vaccine. They feel the children should get chickenpox, and get over it. I have to agree with Dr.'s not just because they are doctors. Each child's chicken pox case is different. My older two have had the chicken pox. They had mild cases.....but I've seen adults get it because their first case as a child was mild. Adults can get VERY ill with the chicken pox. It's just not good practice to expose your sick child to others. Rule number 248 for these " new age" parents.......when your child is sick, keep him/her home and away from my child and everyone else's. I'm sorry your child will be " bored", but that's one of the social skills we all must learn. Spending " alone" time. Always surrounding your children with friends, and never encouraging them to " read" or have quiet time isn't good. The child will grow up to depend on people and people's opinions. It's time to be a responsible parent and keep that sick child home. Why don't parents need to take tests before having children????????

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Howard is coming... tomorrow

1-9-06 Howard is coming. Do YOU have your sirius satellite radio yet? I tuned in today to hear an eerie sound, like some creature is going to sneak up on you........and after about 10 minutes, a few farts. lol. We'll have to see how Howard does his 1st day. Sorry, but I won't be tuning in at 6 a.m......that's too early for me. It will be before work/on the way to work. Have a great week all!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Jon Stewart the new King of all media?

Maybe if you are on crack. Jon Stewart isn't even half as funny as Howard. Howard is naturally funny. The only think Jon Stewart is growing ( he thinks he's growing a wider audience) is gray hair. Jon only wishes he was the king of anything. He's just a mildly funny guy like Conan O Brien. Howard is coming to sirius in 3 days. Have you bought your sirius yet? I have one question for Howard. If he programs his own show........why still get up at the crack of dawn and have the 6-11 slot? I would have the 10-2 and run the best of during the 5-8 slot where ppl can listen on the drive home. Go Howard!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Howard Stern is 6 days.

Do you have sirius yet? This Howard all the time thing is exhausting. Let's get on with the show. My Sirius plug in for my van was only 49.99. Pick yours up today. There will be a full rap up on Howard's first day, next monday.......for the few people that may read this blog.

Howard is coming. Yay!

now THAT's desperate

man admits having sex with calves. caution AC link. Can't he just use his hand?

My Way News

today is horrible neighbor day. Do YOU have a horrible neighbor story? i'll give you a tidbit, and tell some more tomorrow. My alchoholic neighbor told my husband yesterday, " I got loaded last night". What else is new? New Years is like a pass for for Alcholics to drink. What is their reason for the other 364 days? He may as well have said he put another nail on the coffin.

Neighbors! what are you going to do?!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Howard Stern link

This website has adult content, but check out this link.

StrangeLand 5.0 - Support Howard on Sirius! (Download) - Funny movies, flash cartoons, funny pictures, jokes, prank phone cal...

awesome. I know Howard won't disappoint. I wonder what rapper 50 cent will be like uncensored............or do i even have to wonder?

Caution: Adult content not safe for work or kids.